Quantitative Aptitude Section-Wise Practice Test With Fully Solved Answers, Detailed Solutions & More Shortcuts


Number System

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Power, Indices And Surds

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Permutations & Combination

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Number Series

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Alligation & Mixtures

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Squareroots & Cuberoots

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Profit & Loss

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Ratio & Proportion

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Simple Interest

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Compound Interest

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Pipes & Cisterns

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Time & Distance

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Boats & Streams

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Data Sufficiency

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Algebraic Expressions

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Trigonometric Ratios & Identities

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Linear Equations

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Quadratic Equations

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Quantitative Aptitude Importance, Features, Scope's in Examinations & Section-wise Notes, Explanations, Sample Questions Answers with Solved Solutions

Quantitative Aptitude - Topic Wise Objective, Role, Preparation Strategy, Tricks & Tips with Online MCQ Quiz for All Competitive Exams

Competitive Exams Like UPSC, SSC, BANK, RAILWAY RRB, CDS, NDA & NA

Posted By Careericons Team

Quantitative Aptitude or Numerical Aptitude Tests are very important requirements to crack any competitive exam like UPSC, TNPSC, SSC, IBPS, Bank, Railway RRB, CDS, NDA & NA Exams and Some Private Sector Exams. These tests examine candidates' knowledge of basic mathematics and demand expert time management from them.

quantitative aptitude quiz for all Exams

We at Careericons.com teach you to understand the basic concepts of mathematics or refresh your mind about it and solve problems easily through various learning methods.

Quantitative skills make up the bulk of most graduate-level papers. We overcome this barrier by covering all quantitative skill topics and in-depth understanding of the material. After that, you should have a thorough understanding of these quantitative skill concepts. Also, you should be familiar with various tips and tricks for scale performance. Finally, you should practice tests regularly.

Given below are some step-by-step simple tips that will help candidates prepare for the quantitative analysis section of competitive exams:

  1. First, try to understand the main idea concept of the topic clearly.
  2. Secondly, practice more and more questions from basic level to advanced or difficulty level based on each topic
  3. Third, use simple logic, shortcuts and tricks while solving Quantitative Aptitude questions. Because time management should always be kept in mind
  4. Finally, try to solve the numerous mock tests and question papers designed for this section based on the latest syllabus of the exam you are preparing for.

Most Important Topics in Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams

Like UPSC, SSC, BANK, RAILWAY RRB, Defense & Private IT Exams etc

The Quantitative Aptitude section is included in almost all major competitive exams to check the numerical ability of the candidates. Questions are asked in the form of word problems, graphs or data interpretation. Here, we provide you with consistent quality Numerical Aptitude Questions for Banking, SSC, UPSC, Railway and as well as Engineering, Law, Accounting, Finance, Marketing, related exams etc.

The number of questions asked varies from the quantitative ability to different exams. Candidates should read the selection process for their respective exams carefully before starting their preparation.

We will help you prepare for each topic of Quantitative Aptitude Exam by providing basic to advanced level concepts with lots of practice questions. Let's begin.

List of topics under Quantitative Aptitude:

  1. Advance Math,
  2. Age Problems,
  3. Algebra & Expressions,
  4. Allegations and mixtures,
  5. Arithmetic Progressions,
  6. Averages,
  7. Boats & Streams,
  8. Chain Rule,
  9. Comparison, Critical analysis, Date, and Day based on data sufficiency,
  10. Coordinate Geometry,
  11. Data Sufficiency Based on Age, Directions & Relationship,
  12. Data Interpretation Based on Bar Graph, Caselets, Line Graph, Pie Chart, Table Chart,
  13. Discount,
  14. Games and Races,
  15. Geometry,
  16. Heights and distances,
  17. Inequalities,
  18. LCM and HCF,
  19. Linear Equations,
  20. Logarithms,
  21. Mean, Median and Mode,
  22. Mensuration: Area & Volume,
  23. Number Series,
  24. Number System – Fractions, Decimals,
  25. Number theory,
  26. Partnerships,
  27. Percentage,
  28. Permutation and Combinations,
  29. Pipes and Cisterns,
  30. Points, Lines and Angles,
  31. Probability,
  32. Problems with Train,
  33. Profit and Loss,
  34. Quadratic Equations,
  35. Ratio and Proportions,
  36. Rational Expressions,
  37. Remainder theorem and unit digit,
  38. Set Theory,
  39. Simple Interest and Compound Interest,
  40. Simplification and Approximation,
  41. Speed, Distance and Time,
  42. Statistics,
  43. Stocks and shares,
  44. Surds, Indices, Exponents, and Powers,
  45. Time and Work,
  46. Trains,
  47. Trigonometric Ratios & Identities, &
  48. Work and Wages.

List of Competitive Exams With Quantitative Aptitude

Quantitative Aptitude is an integral part of every aptitude tests in Competitive Exams. It tests quantitative skills along with logical and analytical skills. Solving these questions can test one's number of manipulation techniques and problem solving skills.

Below is the list of Government Exams including Quantitative Aptitude:

In these examinations, Rather than being difficult, the Quantitative Skills section is lengthy because a lot of calculations as multiple choice questions are required to arrive at the final answer. Candidates need to overcome their speed to score high in Quantitative Aptitude section.

Below is the list of exams which will find questions from all the topics given above.

  1. UPSC - CSAT,
  2. TNPSC Exams,
    1. TNPSC GROUP-1 Prelims,
    2. TNPSC GROUP-2/ 2A Prelims,
    3. TNPSC GROUP-4/ VAO Prelims,
  3. SSC Exams,
    1. SSC CGL Tier 1,
    2. SSC CGL Tier 2,
    3. SSC CHSL Tier 1,
    4. SSC MTS Paper 1,
    5. SSC JE Paper 1,
    6. SSC GD,
    7. SSC CPO Paper 1,
  4. RBI Exams,
    1. RBI Grade – B,
    2. RBI Assistant Stage I,
    3. RBI Assistant Stage II,
  5. SBI Exam,
    1. SBI PO Prelims,
    2. SBI PO Mains,
    3. SBI JA Clerk Prelims,
    4. SBI JA Clerk Mains,
    5. SBI SO Prelims,
  6. IBPS Exams,
    1. IBPS PO Prelims,
    2. IBPS PO Mains,
    3. IBPS Clerk Prelims,
    4. IBPS Clerk Mains,
    5. IBPS SO Prelims,
    6. IBPS RRB CLERK Prelims (Office Assistants),
    7. IBPS RRB CLERK Mains (Office Assistants),
    8. IBPS RRB PO Prelims (Scale I Officers),
    9. IBPS RRB PO Mains (Scale I Officers),
    10. IBPS RRB General Banking Officers (Scale I),
    11. IBPS RRB Specialist Cadres (Scale II),
    12. IBPS RRB Scale III Officers,
  7. RRB Exams,
    1. RRB JE-First Stage CBT,
    2. RRB NTPC,
    3. RRB ALP,
    4. RRB GROUP D,
  8. CDS, NDA-NA Exams.

These multiple choice questions are similar to the questions set in the exam. It is important to remember that the multiple-choice format allows you to find the answer without solving the sum completely. Sometimes, shortcuts are specific to problems; The ability to find the right one at the right place is a skill that comes with training and practice, which is ensured by the various and numerous questions and suggested solutions we provide.

The coaching & practice exercise that we provide you contains multiple exam papers based on the latest and previous years' UPSC, SSC, BANK, RRB & NDA-NA Exam etc. Some papers are based on recall questions by candidates appearing in the exam in memory-based practice sets.

This section aims to give readers a sense of choice and an opportunity to assess themselves on both knowledge and time management. Knowing where one falls short can be of great help in improving oneself. Knowing that one can answer the questions accurately within the given time leads to building confidence.

It is very useful for candidates preparing for exams that test numerical ability/aptitude. It is also useful as a refresher for high school and college students.

Refer: Get all Topic-wsie Quantitative aptitude problems for upcoming competitive exams

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