Terms & Conditions - careericons
www.careericons.com provides its service to you, subject to the following Terms of Service. These policies may be updated by us from time to time without notice to you. You can review our updated terms and conditions always in this page. Usage of this site is subject to these Terms, Conditions, and Policies, therefore please read the following information carefully.
www.careericons.com is an Open Database and operates with a motto of collecting and sharing questions and answers that were asked in various interviews and examinations. This data is collected and submitted by various users/visitors around the world. www.careericons.com does not guarantee the re-occurrences or repetition of questions in same interviews/exams or any other interviews/exams. The motive of this site is to provide information to the public for their interest on it. Even though every care has been taken in compiling the information forwarded by certain enthusiastic users, www.careericons.com doesn't guarantee the precision of the content or information that provided in this site and won't take responsible for any INCORRECT questions, answers, content and any form of errors you found here. www.careericons.com will not be responsible in any way for any damages/consequences that might occur due to inclusion of some incorrect content or information in this site. You can use this information solely at your own risk. Users submitting questions or answers or code to this site, asserts that he or she owns that data or otherwise has the right to redistribute it freely.
www.careericons.com assumes no liability for disputes regarding ownership, copyright, or trademarks of the data submitted to this site. www.careericons.com reserves the right to refuse to post any submission, to alter submissions, and to remove a submission from the site. www.careericons.com may exercise this right without any advance notice to the individual submitting the code or content. All trademarks and company names published in this site are subjected to their respected owners and companies.
This is an OPTIONAL service provided by www.careericons.com. Visitors can register into the site completely on their own interest, it is not a mandatory process. This registration into the site permits the user to maintain and modify of the data submitted to the site at any time. The personal details that collected during this registration process will NOT, be distributed or shared with any other third-parties. While submitting registration form, you also agreed to provide and maintain true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted by the Service's registration form given to you. www.careericons.com NEVER verifies the accuracy of Personal Information that is submitted to the site, it is solely responsibility of the user. www.careericons.com hasreserves the right to suspend or permanently delete any user, If the data or information provided by the user is inaccurate, not related or incomplete or if the user violated our terms and conditions in any manner. It is fully discretionary of www.careericons.com.
www.careericons.com is against in sending spam or irrelevant, unsolicited emails or massages as in any other form. You should not use our service and you are not permitted to use our referral or email services, for your personal or commercial purposes. By usage of this service you agreed that to our policies. Violating these policies in any manner subject to violation of respected laws and necessary action will be initiated against the defaulters.
All pages, information, data and graphics which are presented on this website are the property of www.careericons.com. The pages may not be redistributed or reproduced in any way or in any form of duplicating, shape, or form without the written authorization of www.careericons.com. www.careericons.com respects the copyrights, trademarks and intellectual property of others and also we expect this from other users. In this site, if you found any information that is owned by you or any content that violates your intellectual property rights, please contact to us with all necessary documents/information that authenticate your authority on your property.
The Personal information, email that submitted while registering to the site, will NOT be distributed, shared with any other third-parties. We barely use this data for our information, for research, to improve our services and for contacting you purposes. www.careericons.com is an Open Database Site, so Registering into site is NOT mandatory and also we won't verify your email address. Registration into the site is purely of user's interest. www.careericons.com also has reserves the right to change this policy at any time. Any significant alterations will be notified to you by sending an email to your email address that you provided while registering with us or by placing a notice on our site.