Practice Profit and loss - quantitative aptitude Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   If the cost price is 95% of the selling price, what is the profit per cent ?






If the cost price be Rs.x, then

S.P. = $100/95x = Rs.20/19x$

Gain = ${20x}/19 - x = Rs.x/19$

Gain per cent = ${x/19}/x × 100 = 5.26%$

Using Rule 3,

Here C.P. = $95/100$ S.P.

C.P. = S.P.$(100/{100 + Profit%})$

$95/100$ S.P.

= S.P.$(100/{100 + Profit%})$

9500 + 95 profit% = 10000

Profit % = $500/95$ = 5.26%

Q-2)   A man bought an old typewriter for Rs.1200 and spent Rs.200 on its repair. He sold it for Rs.1680. His profit per cent is :






Using Rule 1,

Total cost of typewriter = Rs. (1200 + 200) = Rs.1400

S.P. = Rs.1680

Profit = Rs. (1680 - 1400) = Rs.280

Profit % = $280/1400 × 100 = 20%$

Q-3)   If a shirt costs Rs.64 after 20% discount is allowed, what was its original price in Rs.?






If the original cost of shirt be x, then

$x × 80/100 = 64$

$x = {64 × 100}/80$ = Rs.80

Q-4)   If the cost price of an article is 80% of its selling price, the profit per cent is :






Using Rule 1,

S.P. = Rs.100; C.P. = Rs.80

Gain = Rs.20

∴ Gain per cent = $20/80 ×100$ = 25%

Q-5)   By selling 33 metres of cloth, a person gains the cost of 11 metres. Find his gain%.






Gain per cent

= $11/33 × 100 = 100/3 = 33{1}/3$%

Q-6)   A milkman bought 70 litres of milk for Rs.630 and added 5 litres of water. If he sells it at Rs.9.00 per litre, his profit per centage is






CP of 75 litres of mixture of milk and water = Rs.630

SP of 75 litres of mixture of milk

and water = 9 × 75 = Rs.675

Gain = 675 - 630 = Rs.45

Gain per cent = $45/630 × 100 = 50/7 = 7{1}/7$%

Q-7)   The ratio of cost price and selling price is 5 : 4, the loss per cent is :






According to the question

$\text"Cost price"/ \text"Selling price" = 5/4$

Selling price = $4/5$ × Cost price

Loss = Cost price - Selling price

= Cost price - $4/5$ Cost price = $1/5$ Cost price

Loss % = ${{1/5}\text"Cost price" × 100}/\text"Cost price" = 100/5 = 20%$

Method 2 : Simple Approach

Rs.1 is loss on Rs.5.

loss % = $1/5$ × 100 = 20%

Using Rule 2

If C.P > S.P., then there will be Loss

Loss = C.P. - S.P., Loss% = ${Loss × 100}/{C.P.}$

Here, C.P. = 5x, S.P. = 4x

Loss% = $\text"Loss"/ \text"C.P."$ × 100

= ${5x - 4x}/{5x}$ × 100 = 20%

Q-8)   A man buys a cycle for Rs.1400 and sells it at a loss of 15%. What is the selling price of the cycle?






Using Rule 3,
If an object is sold on r% Profit.

then,S.P. = C.P$[{100 + \text"Profit%"}/100]$
C.P. = S.P$[100/{100 + \text"Profit%"}]$

Similarly, If an object is sold on r% loss, then

S.P. = C.P.$[{100 - \text"Loss%"}/100]$
C.P. = S.P$[100/{100 - \text"Loss%"}]$

Selling price = $1400 × {100 - 15}/100$

= $1400 × 85/100$ = Rs.1190

Q-9)   The ratio of cost price and selling price of an article is 8 : 9. The profit per cent is






Using Rule 1,

If S.P > C.P. then there will be profit

Profit = S.P. - C.P.

Profit% = ${\text"Profit" × 100}/{\text"C.P."}$

Let the CP = 8x and SP = 9x

Profit = (9x - 8x) = x

Profit % = $x/{8x} × 100 = 25/2 =12.5%$

Q-10)   The selling price of 10 oranges is the cost price of 13 oranges. Then the profit percentage is






Let the CP of 1 orange = Rs.1

SP of 10 oranges = Rs.13

Gain percent = ${13 - 10}/10 × 100$ = 30%

Using Rule 8,

Here, x = 13, y = 10

Profit % = $({x - y}/y) × 100$

= $({13 - 10}/10) × 100 = 300/10$ = 30%

Q-11)   A shopkeeper offers a discount of 10% on his articles. The marked price of the article is Rs.450. The selling price should be






S.P. of article = ${450 × 90}/100$ = Rs.405

Q-12)   A shopkeeper allows a rebate of 12% on the marked price of an article such that the selling price is Rs.440. Then the marked price of the article is






Marked price of article = Rs.x

x × (100 - 12)% = 440

$x × 88/100$ = 440

$x ={440 × 100}/88$ = Rs.500

Q-13)   A sells an article to B making a profit of 1 5 of his outlay. B sells it to C, gaining 20%. If C sells it for Rs.600 and incurs a loss of 1 6 of his outlay, the cost price of article for A is






If the C.P. for A be Rs.x, then

$x × (1 +1/5) × 120/100 × (1 - 1/6)$ = 600

$x × 6/5 × 6/5 × 5/6 = 600$

$x = {600 × 5}/6$ = Rs.500

Q-14)   A saleable article passes successively in the hands of three traders. Each trader sold it further at a gain of 25% of the cost price. If the last trader sold it for Rs.250 then what was the cost price for the first trader ?






Let the actual C.P. be Rs.x

$x × 125/100 × 125/100 × 125/100 = 250$

x = Rs.128

Q-15)   A sells an article to B at a gain of 10%, B sells it to C at a gain of 5%. If C pays Rs.462 for it, what did it cost to A ?






Let the C.P. for A be Rs.x, then

$x × 110/100 × 105/100 = 462$

$x = {462 × 100 × 100}/{110 × 105}$ = Rs.400

Using Rule 15,

Here, $r_1 = 10%, r_2$ = 5%

C.P. for C = C.P. for A

$(1 + r_1/100)(1 + r_2/100)$

462 = C.P. for A

$(1 + 10/100)(1 + 5/100)$

C.P. for A = ${462 × 100 × 100}/{110 × 105}$ = Rs.400

Q-16)   A sells a suitcase to B at 10% profit. B sells it to C at 30% profit. If C pays Rs.2,860 for it, then the price at which A bought it is






Using Rule 15,

Let the C.P. of the suitcase for A be Rs.x, then

$x × 110/100 × 130/100$ = 2860

$x = {2860 × 100 × 100}/{110 × 130}$ = Rs.2000

Q-17)   A book seller sells a book at a profit of 10%. If he had bought it at 4% less and sold it for Rs.6 more, he would have gained 18$3/4%$. The cost price of the book is






Let the CP of the book be Rs.x.

Initial SP = $110/100 × x = 1.1 x$

New CP = 0.96 x

New SP = $(100 + 75/4)%$ of 0.96x

=$475/400 × 0.96x = 1.14 x$

Therefore, 1.14 x –1.1x = 6

0.04 x = 6

$x = 6/{0.04} = 600/4 = 150$

CP = Rs.150

Q-18)   On selling an almirah for Rs.2576, a person got a profit of 12%. Had it been bought for Rs.100 less, the profit per cent would have been






CP of the article

= $(100/112 × 2576)$ = Rs.2300

New CP = Rs.2200

Gain per cent

= ${2576 - 2200}/2200 × 100 = 17{1}/11$

Q-19)   A man sells his typewriter at 5% loss. If he sells it for Rs.80 more, he will gain 5%. The cost price of the typewriter is






Let the CP of the typewriter be Rs.x.

At 5% loss, SP = ${95x}/100$

Now, ${95x}/100 + 80 = {105x}/100$

${105x}/100 - {95x}/100 = 80$

${105x - 95x}/100 = 80$

$x = 8000/10$ = Rs.800

Using Rule 11,

Here, x = 5%, R = 80, y = 5%

C.P. = ${R × 100}/{y + x}$

= ${80 × 100}/{5 + 5}$ = Rs.800

Q-20)   A T.V was sold at a profit of 5%. If it had been sold at a profit of 10%, the profit would have been Rs.1000 more. What is its cost price ?






Let the C.P. of television be Rs.x.

According to the question,

(10 - 5)% of x = 1000

x × $5/100$ = 1000

$x = {1000 × 100}/5$ = Rs.20000