Critical Reasoning Section 1 MCQ Practice Questions Answers Test With Solutions & More Shortcuts

Question : 1

As the information on air warface tasks and stressors was being gathereed and scenarios were being developed, a parallel effort ensued to identify a test bed simulation for air warfare teams. To maintain experimental control it was determined by the designers that choosing a low physical fidelity simulation was acceptable as long as cognitive fidelity in a team simulation was maintained through subjecting soldiers to pressure situations in a simulated combat setting and attempting to ensure that naturalistic decision making of soldiers would not be compromised. Which of the following statements, if true, weakens the logic of the above passage ?
i. A number of studies have shown that high levels of physical stress lead to a weaking of the decision making capabilities of human beings.
ii. It has been convincingly demonstrated by various studies that human beings by nature are not designed to adapt to high levels of mental stress.
iii. Numerious studies have shown that simulated environments can be designed to be good substitutes for real life combat situations.
iv. Studies have shown that simulated exercises for armed forces personnel have tended to induce a systematic type of "correct" and common behaviour among the trainees.
v. Officers, when short listing soldiers for critical operations, pick up battle-hardened soldiers rather than those who have been trained through simulations.

a) i and ii

b) i and iv

c) ii and iii

d) i, ii, iv, and v

e) ii, iii, iv and v

Answer: (d)

The theme of the passage says that when soldiers are subjected to high pressure situations even in simulated warfare, their naturalistic decision making capacity/ability is not compromised.

Statement (i) and (ii) clearly negate the above notion. (iv) suggests that individual and naturalistic decision making ability is lost. (v) says that officers believe more in experience of soldiers than simulation based training.

This makes (d) the correct choice.

Question : 2

The Yoga system is divided into two principal parts — Hatha and Raja Yoga. Hatha Yoga deals principally with the physiological part of man with a view to establish his health and train his will. The processes prescribed to arrive at this end are so difficult that only a few resolute souls go through all the stages of its practice. Many have failed and some have died in the attempt. It is therefore strongly denounced by all the philosophers. The most illustrious Shankaracharya has remarked in his treatise called Aparokshanubhuti that "the system of Hatha Yoga was intended for those whose wordly desires are not pacified or uprooted."
Which one of the following, if true, most substantially strengthens the idea given in the passage?

a) The percentage of people in a given ashram practising Raja Yoga is more than the percentage of people practising Hatha Yoga.

b) The number of Yoga schools teaching Raja Yoga is more than the number of Yoga schools teaching Hatha Yoga.

c) The number of people in a given ashram practising Raja Yoga is more than the number of people practising Hatha Yoga.

d) The number of teachers teaching Raja Yoga is more than the number of teachers teaching Hatha Yoga.

e) The percentage of students who have successfully learnt Raja Yoga is more than the percentage of students who have successfully learnt Hatha Yoga.

Answer: (e)

The passage clearly emphasizes that practising Hatha- Yoga is really difficult and only a few resolute souls go through all the stages of its practice (refer sentence 3).

So E strengthens the idea of the passage.

C and D are out of context as the passage doesn't talk about Yoga schools teaching Raja Yoga. A and B are also out of context as they restrict themselves to people in a given ashram .


Study the following information to answer the given questions.

Science is a sort of news agency comparable in principle to other news agencies. But this news agency gives us information which is reliable to an extraordinarily high degree due to elaborate studies spread over centuries. So, science should be read with the same interest with which we read news.

Question : 3

Which of the following will weaken the above argument?

a) Man is an intelligent creature.

b) Scientific information is revised.

c) Science gives information.

d) News agencies cannot verify news.

e) None of these

Answer: (b)

This dents the reliability factor.

Question : 4

Which of the following strengthens the argument?

a) Agricultural research is scientific.

b) Verified information is reliable.

c) Science gives abstract theories.

d) Science is a compulsory subject.

e) None of these

Answer: (b)

Question : 5

Which of the following may be regarded as an assumption in the above passage?

a) Verification of news is necessary.

b) Science is objective in approach.

c) Science encourages investigative spirit.

d) Science gives us news and not any other information regarding national phenomenon.

e) None of these

Answer: (e)


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