Stone Age Practice Questions Answers Test With Solutions

Question : 1


List-I List-II
A. Time taken by the Earth to orbit the sun  1. Aryabhatta
B. Calculation of the value of π (pi) 2. Bhaskaracharya
C. Invention of the digit Zero  3. Budhayana
D. The game of snakes & ladders 4. Gyanadev 
Codes: A B C D

a) 1 3 2 4

b) 2 4 1 3

c) 2 3 1 4

d) 1 4 2 3

Answer: (c)

The correct match list is:

  1. Aryabhatta — Invention of the digit zero.
  2. Bhaskaracharya — Time taken by the earth to orbit the sun.
  3. Budhayana — Calculation of the value of π (Pi)
  4. Gyandeva — The game of snakes and ladders
  5. Zero was invented in India by Indian mathematicians dating as early as the 5th century. They widely used it in calculations, astronomy, and astrology. Zero was spread by Arabians to Europe and thereon it was spread all over.

The famous Hindu mathematician, Bhaskaracharya, in his treatise Surya Siddhanta, calculated the time taken for the earth to orbit the sun to nine decimal places (365.258756484 days).

Bhaskaracharya rightly calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit the sun hundreds of years before the astronomer Smart. His calculations were – Time taken by earth to orbit the sun (5th century): 365.258756484 days.

The value of Pi was first calculated by Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theorem.

The game of snakes and ladders is most popular in almost all houses and across all countries of the world. The credit for the game should go to the 13th century Marathi saint-poet composer Gyanadev, Jnanadeva, also known as Jnanashwar. When the saint invented the game it was called Mokshapat.

Question : 2

Which one of the following is not a part of early Jains literature?

a) Acaranga sutra

b) Therigatha

c) Sutrakritanga

d) Brihat kalpasutra

Answer: (b)

Question : 3

The ancient Indian play Mudrarakshasa of Visakhadutt has its subject on:

a) a romantic story of an Aryan prince and a tribal woman

b) a conflict between Gods and Demons of ancient Hindu lore

c) the story of the power struggle between two Aryan

d) the court intrigues at the time of Chandragupta

Answer: (d)

Question : 4

Which of the following pairs indicating the contents of the sacred Buddhist Pitakas is not correctly matched?

a) Abhidhamma Pitaka — philosophical development of the Buddha’s teachings

b) Vinaya Pitaka — rules of monalstic discipline

c) Suttra Pitaka — Stories of the Buddha’s previous births (Jataka stories)

d) Dhammapada — The original sermon of the Buddha of Sarnath

Answer: (d)

Question : 5 [44th BPSC (Pre) 2000]

Which one of the following periods is also known as Chalcolithic Age?

a) Old Stone Age

b) New Stone Age

c) Copper Age

d) Iron Age

Answer: (c)


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