filling with double fillers Model Questions & Answers, Practice Test for ibps so prelims


The following question has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits in the context of the sentence.

Question :21

Besides issues regarding peace and stability in the region, Modi _________ India's energy concerns and said although Iran supplied as much as 11% of its needs, it had reduced oil _________ from the West Asian country even though this hurt the economy.

Answer: (e)

From the given sentence, we can infer that in addition to discussing about peace and stability, Modi also discussed about India's energy concerns. In the context of the sentence, the words that are suitable for the first blank are "described", "delineated" and "explained".

Hence options B and C are eliminated. The clue to the second blank lies in the word "from" after it indicating that a reduction in what India was taking "hurt the economy". The only word that aptly conveys this meaning is "exports" expressing that a reduction in oil exports from Iran hurt India's economy. "Exports" mean the opposite and "projects" is irrelevant to the meaning of this sentence. This eliminates options A and D as well.

Option E is hence the correct answer.

Question :22

Given the history and the demands of domestic politics, particularly in Pakistan, the two countries are unlikely to present a _________ of neighbourly _________.

Answer: (e)

In the context of the sentence, the only appropriate combination of words is that of "picture" and "cooperation". This makes the sentence meaningfully correct. All other options are either grammatically or contextually incorrect. Therefore, options A, B, C and D are eliminated. The sentence means that there is very little possibility that the two countries would be able to have friendly relations because of their history and the demands of domestic politics.

Option E is hence the correct answer.

Question :23

Special _________ are made for their meals, but officials _________ the long working hours without any over time.

Answer: (e)

The sentence tries to convey that in spite of making special provisions for their meals, the officials lament the long working hours without extra payment. In the context of the sentence, the only appropriate combination of words is that of "arrangements" and "rue". All other options are either grammatically or contextually incorrect. Therefore, options A, B, C and D are eliminated.

Option E is hence the correct answer.

Question :24

The idea of a single large PSB mimicking the Life Insurance Corporation of India model in the insurance space may be considered, but such an entity could create serious distortions, such as _________ hazard stemming from the too-big-to- _________ syndrome, with the next biggest bank being on-fourth itssize.

Answer: (e)

In the context of the sentence, the word that is most suitable for the first blank is "moral" and that for the second blank is "fail". All the other options are grammatically and contextually incorrect.

Moral hazard (Concept used in Economics)

Meaning: lack of incentive to guard against risk where one is protected from its consequences.

E.g.: Comprehensive insurance policies decrease incentive to take care of your possessions and leads to moral hazard.


Meaning: When a financial organization or other business is too-big-to-fail, it so important to the economy of a country that a government or central bank must take measures to prevent it from ceasing to trade or going bankrupt.

E.g.: He caused a stir earlier this month when he said that no company was too big to fail.

Option E is hence the correct answer.

Question :25

Problems of exclusion will be eliminated if the payer-insurer is thestate, the _________ is done through public taxes, and coverage is _________.

Answer: (e)

The first blank refers to what should be done through "public taxes" and hence, "funding" , "financing" or "sponsoring" may fit the first blank. However, "loading" and "projection" do not reflect this meaning. Hence, options A and D can be eliminated.

For the second blank, the appropriate word should be something that fits with the overall theme of eliminating the problem of exclusion. Hence, only "universal" meaning 'widespread or collective' fits the second blank.

Option E is hence the correct answer.


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