filling with double fillers Model Questions & Answers, Practice Test for ibps so prelims


The following question has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits in the context of the sentence.

Question :16

Terms of chairpersons should align with the life of the loan, which would allow _________ _________ to be detected and penaltiesto be out as required.

Answer: (c)

The first blank refers to something that is related to "loan" but the detection of which would lead to "penalties". In the context of the sentence, the words which are suitable for the first blank are "nonpayment", "defaults" and "evasion". Hence options B and E are eliminated.

The second blank indicated that penalties need to be given out when required. The only word that makes the sentence meaningfully correct is "meted" out which means ‘to give or order a punishment or make someone receive cruel or unfair treatment'. The words "forced" and "taken" are irrelevant to the context of this sentence. This eliminates options A and D as well.

Option C is hence the correct answer.

Question :17

_________ the trade war, geopolitical tensions in West Asia, uncertainty around Brexit and global slowdown are other _________ driving the rally in gold price.

Answer: (d)

The sentence wants to convey that "in addition to" the trade war, geopolitical tensions, Brexit and global slowdown are also responsible for the increase in gold price. In the context of the sentence, the only words that lead to a meaningful sentence are the combination of "besides" and "factors". All other options are incorrect either contextually or grammatically. "Beside" is incorrect for the first blank as it means ‘next to or at the side of' whereas "besides" means ‘apart from or in addition to.

Option D is hence the correct answer.

Question :18

The government must focus on water _________, protection of water bodies, bumping up distribution networks and make rainwater _________ a mandatory feature in new housing.

Answer: (e)

The word "protection" after the first blank indicates that the word in the blank would have a similar meaning. In the context of the sentence, the words which are suitable for the first blank are "preservation", "conservation" and "management". Hence options B and C are eliminated.

The word "rainwater" before the second blank indicates that the word is a feature related to rainwater. The only word that makes the sentence meaningfully correct is "harvesting". "Rainwater harvesting" is a technique of collection and storage of rainwater into natural reservoirs or tanks, or the infiltration of surface water into subsurface aquifers before it is lost as surface runoff. The words "harbouring" and "humouring" are irrelevant to the context of this sentence. This eliminates options A and D as well.

Option E is hence the correct answer.

Question :19

Bankers said the _________ on rating agencies make their own assessment more important and going _________ more weightage would be given to the same.

Answer: (e)

Bankers would have to consider their own assessment methods to be more important only if the rating agencies dedicated for this job have developed a bad reputation. In the context of the sentence, the words which are suitable for the first blank are "suspicions", "doubts" and "reservations". Hence options B and C are eliminated.

Out of the remaining choices, the only word that fits in the second blank and makes the sentence meaningfully correct is "forward". The phrase "going forward" means ‘moving into the future'. The words "backward" and "nether" are irrelevant to the context of this sentence. This eliminates options A and D as well.

Option E is hence the correct answer.

Question :20

The traditional practices of yoga lay great _________ on the importance of _________ in the form of pranayama.

Answer: (d)

"Pranayama" is a ‘breathing exercise' whose importance is greatly ‘highlighted' by the "traditional practices of yoga" Hence, options A, B and E can be eliminated as they are contextually unfit. The only words that can fit the first blank are either "emphasis" or "stress". For the second blank "breathing" is most appropriate as it specifies the type of exercise that "pranayama" is categorized under. So, it negates the possibility of option C as well.

Option D is hence the correct answer.


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