Reading Comprehension Model Questions & Answers, Practice Test for ssc steno grade c d 2024


In this section you have five short passages. After each passage, you will find some questions based on the passage. First, read a passage and answer the questions based on it. You are required to select your answers based on the contents of the passage and opinion of the author only.


A little man beside me was turning over the pages of a magazine quickly and nervously. Opposite me there was a young mother who was trying to restrain her son from making a noise. The boy had obviously grown weary of waiting. He had placed an ashtray on the floor and was making aeroplane-noises as he waved a pencil in his hands. Near him, an old man was fast asleep, snoring quickly to himself and the boy's mother was afraid that sooner or later her son would wake the gentleman up.

Question :1

Among those present the one who appeared to be the most bored was the

Answer: (c)

Question :2

The factor common to all the people was that they were all

Answer: (d)

Question :3

The noise was made by

Answer: (a)

Question :4

The person who was the least disturbed was the

Answer: (b)


In this section, you have five short passages. After each passage, you will find same question based on the passage. First, read a passage and answer the questions based on it. You are required to select your answers based on the contents of the passage and opinion of the author only.


One of the most important things to notice about the power of art is the way in which great works continue to exert their influence through the ages. Scientific discoveries which are of major importance at the time when they are made are superseded. Thus, Newton's theory of gravitation has been superseded by Einstein's theory of relativity. Hence the work of great scientists has value in stages on the way to a goal which supersedes them. Broadly speaking, the achievements of generals, politicians, and statesment have an importance only in their own time. Hence these people and their acts, great as they may have been are like milestones which mankind passes on its way to something else. But with works of art it is not so. The place which they occupy in the estimation of succeeding ages and the power which they exercise over men's spirits are as great as they were in the age which produced them; indeed, their power tends to increase with time, as they came to be better understood.

Question :5

The statement 'Newton's theory of gravitation has been superseded by Einstein's theory of relativity" suggests that

Answer: (a)

ssc steno grade c d 2024 IMPORTANT QUESTION AND ANSWERS

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