introduction to micro economics section 1 MCQ Questions & Answers Detailed Explanation

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The following question based on Introduction to Micro Economics topic of indian economy mcq

Questions : Which one of the following is having elastic demand ?

(a) Match boxes

(b) Electricity

(c) Medicines

(d) Rice

The correct answers to the above question in:

Answer: (b)

In economics, the demand elasticity refers to how sensitive the demand for a good is to changes in other economic variables. The demand for those goods having more than one use is said to be elastic.

Electricity can be used for a number of purposes like heating, lighting, cooking, cooling etc.

If the electricity bill increases people utilize electricity for certain important urgent purposes and if the bill falls people use electricity for a number of other unimportant uses. Thus the demand for electricity is elastic.

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Read more introduction to micro economics Based Indian Economy Questions and Answers

Question : 1

Economies of Scale means reduction in

a) total cost of distribution

b) unit cost of production

c) unit cost of distribution

d) total cost of production

Answer: (b)

In microeconomics, economies of scale are the cost advantages that an enterprise obtains due to expansion.

“Economies of scale” is a long-run concept and refers to reductions in unit cost as the size of a facility and the usage levels of other inputs increase.

Question : 2

Elasticity of demand with respect to price is

a) Elasticity = $\text"% change in supply"/\text"% change in price"$

b) Elasticity = $\text"% change in demand"/\text"% change in price"$

c) Elasticity = $\text"% change in price"/\text"% change in demand"$

d) Elasticity = $\text"% change in demand"/\text"% change in supply"$

Answer: (b)

Price elasticity of demand (PED or Ed) is a measure used in economics to show the responsiveness, or elasticity, of the quantity, demanded of a good or service to a change in its price.

The formula for the coefficient of price elasticity of demand for a good is: $e_(R) = {{DQ}/Q}/{{dP}/P}$,

where $e_(R)$ = Elasticity of demand;

dQ/ Q= % change in demand and

dP/P= % change in price.

Question : 3

As the number of investments made by a firm increases, its internal rate of return

a) increases because the level of savings will fall.

b) declines due to diminishing marginal productivity.

c) declines because the market rate of interest will fall, ceteris paribus.

d) increases to compensate the firm for the current consumption foregone.

Answer: (d)

Internal rates of return are commonly used to evaluate the desirability of investments or projects. The higher a project's internal rate of return, the more desirable it is to undertake the project.

A firm (or individual), in theory, undertakes all projects or investments available with IRRs that exceed the cost of capital.

As the number of investments increases, its internal rate of return is greater than an established minimum acceptable rate of return or cost of capital.

Question : 4

A ‘Market Economy’ is one which

a) All of these

b) is controlled by the Government

c) is free from the Government control

d) in influenced by international market forces

Answer: (c)

A market economy is an economic system in which economic decisions and the pricing of goods and services are guided solely by the aggregate interactions of a country’s individual citizens and businesses.

There is little government intervention or central planning. The United States is the world’s premier market economy.

Question : 5

Division of labour is the result of

a) specialisation

b) Complicated work

c) excessive pressure

d) excess supply of labour

Answer: (a)

Division of Labor is the “specialization” of cooperative labour in specific, circumscribed tasks and like roles.

It is a process whereby the production process is broken down into a sequence of stages and workers are assigned to particular stages.

Question : 6

Equilibrium price means

a) Price determined to maximise profit

b) Price determined by demand and supply

c) Price determined by Cost and Profit

d) Price determined by Cost of production

Answer: (b)

The equilibrium price is a state in an economy where the supply of goods matches demand. When a major index experiences a period of consolidation or sideways momentum, it can be said that the forces of supply and demand are relatively equal and that the market is in a state of equilibrium.

In short, it is the market price at which the supply of an item equals the quantity demanded.

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