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List of useful Daily English Vocabulary New Words with Meanings for the starting letters "M, N & O" #Blog-9

Oct 09, 2021 By Careericons

list of M, N & O letter words with meanings

Easy & Simple ways to remember synonyms for competitive exams?

Read as much as you can whether it's English Newspapers, Novels, Magazines, Articles, Comic stories or anything. It's also not mandatory to learn difficult words knowing them also helps faster learning. Start with easier words with their synonyms or antonyms and understand the meanings.

English is a language that needs to be practised in your daily life. Language cannot be learned, instead one can practice it in his/her daily life. English is a worldwide known language and it cannot be wrong in any sense.

As far as, the antonyms and synonyms are concerned so, one can learn by practising and using them while speaking, writing and listening. One can learn and remember high-frequency words by using them while writing or in talking with less, peers and friends. There are several games in newspapers such as crossword, it could be a good way to remember English antonyms and synonyms.

Lastly, I would say that there are many ways to remember something we see and, read for example learning by reading, listening and hearing etc. Learning and remembering don't require hard work or much focus on them, English is a language that can be learned by fun and entertainment and practice as well. Read More...

List of useful Daily English Vocabulary New Words with meanings:

In this article, You will get a list of daily used ONE WORD with its short meaning. Here in this list, you can find meanings of all English Words starting with letters "M, N & O", as follows

Meaningful words list with starting letters "M, N & O"

Machete - A knife with a broad heavy blade
Magnum Opus - A great work of art, theatre, film, etc.
Malady - What is wrong with a system
Malaise - A feeling of pain without any particular pain or appearance of disease
Malcontent - One who is dissatisfied with the existing state of affairs
Male Chauvinist - A man who believes that men are better than women
Malign - To speak evil of, especially to do so falsely and severely
Mane - The long hair on the back of a horse’s neck
Manual - A book giving information about how to do something
Market Forces - The free operation of business and trade without govt. controls
Mascot - Chosen as a symbol or thought to bring good luck
Massacre - The unnecessary and indiscriminate killing of human beings
Materialism - Too great interest in money and material, etc, rather than spiritual matters
Mechanics - The science of the action of forces on objects
Megalomania - The belief that one is more important or powerful than one really is
Mercantile - Of trade and business
Meteorology - The scientific study of weather conditions
Midriff - The part of the human body between the chest and the waist
Militia - Those trained as soldiers but not belonging to a regular army
Miniature - A very small painting
Mirage - The appearance of objects which are not really there
Misnomer - A name wrongly or mistakenly applied
Moccasin - A simple shoe made of leather Modus
Operandi - A method of doing something typical of someone
Mogul - A person of very great power, wealth and importance
Monarchy - Rule by a king or queen
Monomaniac - One who keeps thinking of one particular idea only
Moralistic - Having unchanging narrow ideas about right and wrong
Morbid - Having or expressing a strong interest in sad or unpleasant things
Motto - A few words are taken as the guiding principle
Multinational - A company having operations in many different countries
Mundane - Dull / Ordinary
Mycology - The scientific study of fungi (plural of fungus)
Namesake - A person with the same name as yours is your namesake
Nautical - Of sailors, ships, or sailing
Necromancy - The practice which claims to learn about the future by talking with the dead
Nemesis - Just an unavoidable punishment
Newfangled - New (idea. machine etc.) but neither necessary nor better
Nihilism - The belief that nothing has meaning or value
Nodding - Giving consent
Nosegay - A small bunch of flowers, to be carried or worn on a dress
Notary - A public official who makes written statements official
No-win Situation - That which will end badly whichever choice one makes
Nursery - A place where small children are taken care of or where young plants are grown for sale
Oar - A long pole used for rowing a boat
Obstetrics - The branch of medicine concerned with childbirth
Obtrude - To be pushed or to push oneself into undue prominence
Obtrusive - Tending to be pushed or to push oneself into undue prominence
Obviate - To clear away or provide for, as an objection or difficulty
Odoriferous - Having a smell
Off-White - White with some grey or yellow
Oligarchy - A collective government formed by a few persons
One-Upmanship - The art of getting an advantage over others without actually cheating
Ontology - The branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of existence 
Operational - The study of how businesses are organised Research in order to make them more efficient
Opprobrium - The state of being scornfully reproached or censured
Orderly - A soldier who attends an officer
Ornithology - The scientific study of birds
Ostentation - A display dictated by vanity and intended to invite applause or flattery
Ostracism - The state of not being included in a group
Outcast - One who is forced from one’s home or without friends
Overhaul - Thorough examination and repair if necessary

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