Basic Computer Fundamentals Notes Questions & Answers PDF

10 Basic Features of Computer - Computer Awareness Notes PDF For All Competitive Exams & IT Interviews #Blog-17

Jan 07, 2022, By Careericons

This article will provide you with some important 10 features of general computer, that will helpful for all competitive exams like SSC, IBPS, Railway Exams & Various corporate IT Interview.

The word computer is derived from the Latin word 'computer', which means ' calculate'. Computers are used in a wide variety of fields like home, school, colleges, offices, industries, banks, stores, researches and development.

Also read, Computer Awareness Study Notes [Free PDF] - With Multipe Choice Questions With Solved Answer Key,

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What are the "10 Different Features of Computer"?

The 10 key features of computer are as follows in the below list,

1. Speed

The computer can process data very fast at the rate of millions (1,000,000) of instructions per second. The normal time taken by computers to perform their operations is done at a speed of microseconds and nanoseconds.

Its speed is measured in terms of MHZ (Mega Hertz) and GMZ (Giga Hertz).

2. Accuracy

Computers provide a high degree of 100% accuracy. They respond to the user as per the input instructions. The accuracy level is determined on the basis of configurations of the computer. Errors may occur due to human error or data inconsistency or inaccuracy.

3. Storage Capacity

Computers are capable to store a huge amounts of data which depends on the capacity of the hard disk. Devices Magnetic disks, magnetic tape and optical disks are used as mass storage devices.

The storage capacity of the computer is measured in terms of Kilobyte (KB), Megabyte (MB), Gigabyte (GB) and Terabyte (TB).

4 bit (b) = 1 Nibble
8 bit or 2 Nibble = 1 Byte (B)
1024 Byte = 1 kilo Byte (1KB)
1024 KB = 1 Mega Bite (1GB)
1024 MB = 1 Giga Bite (1 GB)
1024 GB = 1 Terra Byte (1TB)
1024 TB = 1 Peta Byte (1PB)
1024 PB = 1 Exa Byte (1EB)
1024 EB = 1 Zetta Byte (1ZB)
1024 ZB = 1 Yotta Byte (1YB)

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4. Versatility

Computers can do different types of work simultaneously with the same accuracy and efficiency. They can perform multiple tasks at the same time.

5. Automation

Once the instruction to do any work is given to the computer, the computer does its work automatically by itself. The user is required to give the data and utilize the result but the process is automatic.

i.e. it performs tasks without any manual intervention.

6. Diligence

A computer can perform millions of tasks or calculations with the same consistency and accuracy. It doesn’t feel any fatigue or lack of concentration. 

Unlike human beings, a computer is free from monotony, tiredness, lack of concentration, etc. and can work for hours without creating any errors.

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7. Secrecy

Leakage of information is reduced by creating a login system with password protection.

Some example applications & software related to computer secrecy are,

  • Antivirus Software.
  • Application Security.
  • Behavioural Analytics.
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Email Security.
  • Firewalls.
  • Mobile Device Security.
  • Network Segmentation.

8. Memory

A computer has built-in memory called primary memory (Internal) where it stores data. Secondary storage (External) are removable devices such as CDs, DVDs, Pen drives, Hard drives, SSDs etc., which are also used to store users data & information.

9. Reliability

Computers are more reliable than human beings. Computers always produce exact results. The possibility of errors occur only if the input is wrong, i.e. the computers never make mistakes of their own accord. or gives consistent results for a similar set of data.

10. Plug and Play

Computers have the ability to automatically recognize a new hardware and software component as soon as it is installed.

It is abbreviated as PnP. It is a phrase used to describe devices that work with a computer system as soon as they are connected.

Online Practice MCQ Test & Quiz for List of all various "Computer Awareness" Topics asked in various Competitive Exams & IT Interviews with Examples PDF:

  1. Fundamental & Concepts Of Computer,
  2. Computer Security,
  3. Computer Acronyms & Abbreviation,
  4. Basics Of Hardware & Software,
  5. Input & Output Devices,
  6. Operating System,
  7. Software Concepts,
  8. Software Engineering,
  9. Data Structures & Algorithms,
  10. Computer Networks,
  11. Parallel Computing,
  12. Window Programming,
  13. Internet Awareness,
  14. Microsoft Windows Operating System,
  15. Microsoft Windows Keyboard Shortcuts,
  16. Microsoft Office Quiz,
  17. Microsoft Word,
  18. Microsoft Excel,
  19. Microsoft Powerpoint,
  20. Microsoft Access,
  21. Computer Memory,
  22. Database Management System (DBMS),
  23. Data Mining And Data Ware House, &
  24. Electronics Data Processing.

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