aptitude percentage mcq pdf Model Questions & Answers, Practice Test for ibps rrb so officer sclae 2 3 single exam 2024

Question :11

A milkman claims to sell milk at its cost price only. Still he is making a profit of 20% since he has mixed some amount of water in the milk. What is the percentage of milk in the mixture?

Answer: (d)

Milkman is getting 20% profit by selling the milk mixed with water.

So, the quantity of milk he is selling less is

= $(20/{100 + 20}) × 100 = 100/6$ %

This quantity is the percentage of water in milk that is

= $100/6$ % Percentage of milk in the mixture

= $100 - 100/6 = 500/6 % = 250/3 %$

So, option (d) is correct.

Question :12

36% of 4800 × 0.2% of 1320 = ?

Answer: (b)

$? = 36/100 × 4800 × 0.2/100 × 1320$

= 1728 × 2.64 = 4561.92

Question :13

The price of an article is Rs. 25. After two successive cuts by the same percentage, the price becomes Rs.20.25. If each time the cut was x%, then

Answer: (a)

According to the question,

$25 × ({100 - x}/100)({100 - x}/100)$ = 20.25

$(100 - x)^2 = 202500/25$

$(100 - x)^2$ = 8100

100 - x = 90 ⇒ ∴ x = 10

Question :14

In the month of January, the Railway Police caught 4000 ticketless travellers. In February, the number rise by 5%. However, due to constant vigil by the Police and the Railway staff, the number reduced by 5% and in April it further reduced by 10%. The total number of ticketless travellers caught in the month of April was:

Answer: (d)

Number of ticketless travellers in April

= $4000 × (1 + 5/100)(1 - 5/100)(1 - 10/100)$

= $(4000 × 21/20 × 19/20 × 9/10)$ = 3591.

Question :15

A salesman’s terms were changed from a flat commission of 5% on all his sales to a fixed salary of Rs. 1,000 plus 2.5% commission on all sales exceeding Rs. 4,000. If his remuneration as per the new scheme was Rs. 600 more than by the first scheme, what were his sales worth ?

Answer: (b)

Let his sales be worth Rs. x.

Then, 1000 + 2.5 % of (x – 4000) = 5% of x + 600

⇒ ${5x}/100 - {2.5(x - 4000)}/100 = 1000 - 600$

⇒ 2.5 x + 10000 = 40,000

⇒$x = {30,000}/2.5$ = 12,000/-

ibps rrb so officer sclae 2 3 single exam 2024 IMPORTANT QUESTION AND ANSWERS

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