advance math mcq pdf Model Questions & Answers, Practice Test for ibps rrb so officer sclae 2 3 single exam 2024

Question :1

A boy has 3 library cards and 8 books of his interest in the library. Of these 8, he does not want to borrow chemistry part II unless Chemistry part I is also borrowed. In how many ways can he choose the three books to be borrowed ?

Answer: (d)

Two possibilities are there :

(i) Chemistry part I is available in 8 books with Chemistry part II. or

(ii) Chemistry part II is available in 8 books but Chemistry part I is not available.

Total No. of ways

= 1 × $^6 C_1 + ^7 C_3$

= $6 + {7 × 6 × 5}/{3 × 2}$ = 6 + 35 = 41

Question :2

Two dice are tossed. The probability that the total score is a prime number is :

Answer: (a)

Total no. of outcomes when two dice are thrown = n (S)

= 36 and the possible cases for the event that the sum of numbers on two dice is a prime number, are

(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 4), (1, 6), (2, 1), (2, 3), (2, 5), (3, 2), (3, 4), (4, 1), (4, 3), (5, 1), (5, 6), (6, 1), (6, 5)

Number of outcomes favouring the event = n (A) = 15

Required probability = ${n(A)}/{n(S)} = {15}/{36} = 5/{12}$

Question :3

In a carrom board game competition, m boys and n girls (m > n > 1) of a school participate in which every student has to play exactly one game with every other student. Out of the total games played, it was found that in 221 games one player was a boy and the other player was a girl. Consider the following statements:
1. The total number of students that participated in the competition is 30.
2. The number of games in which both players were girls is 78. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

Answer: (b)

Since in 221 games each boy plays exactly one game with each girl,

So, mn = 221 (1)

as, m > n > 1, so only m = 17 and n = 13 satisfies (1)

∴ Total no of students = m + n = 17 + 13 = 30

Number of games in which both players are girls = $^{13}C_2$ = 78

Question :4

A person has 4 coins each of different denomination. What is the number of different sums of money the person can form (using one or more coins at a time) ?

Answer: (a)

No of different sums of money = any 1 coin at a time + any 2 coins + any 3 coins it all 4 coins

= $^4C_1 + ^4C_2 + ^4C_3 + ^4C_4$

= 4 + 6 + 4 + 1 = 15

Question :5

In an examination paper there are two sections each containing 4 questions. A candidate is required to attempt 5 questions but not more than 3 questions from any particular section. In how many ways can 5 questions be selected ?

Answer: (a)

Under the given restrictions, 5 questions can be selected in the following ways :

2 questions from the first section and 3 questions from the second section


3 questions from the first section and 2 questions from the second section.

Required no. of ways = $^4C_2 × ^4C_3 + ^4C_3 × ^4C_2$

= 24 + 24 = 48

ibps rrb so officer sclae 2 3 single exam 2024 IMPORTANT QUESTION AND ANSWERS

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