Practice Set 8 - general science mcq Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   For normal eyes what is the minimum distance for clear vision?





Q-2)   The power of a lens is measured in





Q-3)   The normal temperature of human body is 98.4°F. It’s equivalent temperature (in °C) is





Q-4)   A watch shows times as 3 : 25 when seen through a mirror, time appeared will be






Subtract the given time from 11: 60.

Q-5)   Following rays are used in the diagnosis of intestinal diseases





Q-6)   Consider the following statements:
  1. Water kept in an open vessel will quickly evaporate on the surface of the moon.
  2. The temperature at the surface of the moon is much higher than boiling point of the water.
  3. Two bodies at different temperatures, if brought in contact do not necessary settle to the mean temperature.
  4. The two bodies may have different thermal capacities.
Which of the statements are correct?






Heat is transferred between two or more systems or a system and its surrounding by virtue of temperature difference.

Q-7)   Figure given above shows the part of a long string in which transverse waves are produced. Which pair of points is in phase?

sound oscillations heat thermodynamics question answer 19





Q-8)   Which of the following statements is/ are false about mode of heat transfer?
  1. In radiation, heat is transfered from one medium to another without affecting the intervening medium
  2. Radiation and convection are possible in vaccum while conduction requires material medium.
  3. Conduction is possible in solids while convection occurs in liquids and gases.





Q-9)   The radius of curvatute of the plane mirror is





Q-10)   Consider the following statements:
  1. Steam at 100°C and boiling water at 100°C contain the same amount of heat.
  2. The latent heat of fusion of ice is equal to the latent heat of vaporization of water.
  3. In an air-conditioner, heat is extracted from the room air at the evaporator coils and is rejected out at the condenser coils.
Which of these statement(s) given above is/are correct?






Only statement 3 is correct.

An air conditioner (often referred to as AC) is a home appliance, system, or mechanism designed to dehumidify and extract heat from an area.

Steam (at 100 degrees Celsius) has more energy than water (at 100 degrees Celsius) because it takes energy to break the bonds that keep it liquid.

Latent heat is the heat released or absorbed by a chemical substance or a thermodynamic system during a change of state that occurs without a change in temperature.

The latent heat of fusion of water is 334 kJ/kg whereas the Latent heat of vaporization of water is 2260 kJ/kg.