Practice Section 8 question answer - general english mcq Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams


In these questions the sentences have been given in Active/ Passive Voice. From the given alternatives choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

Q-1)   I have lost my book.






In these questions the sentences have been given in Active/ Passive Voice. From the given alternatives choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

Q-2)   One must keep one’s promises.






One must keep one’s promises.

(a) One’s promises are kept. (incorrect word)

(b) One’s promises must be kept. (correct)

(c) One's promises were kept.(incorrect word)

(d) One’s promises must kept.(be is missing)


In these questions the sentences have been given in Active/ Passive Voice. From the given alternatives choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

Q-3)   Let him be told to do it.






Let him be told to do it.

(a) Tell him about doing it. (meaning has changed)

(b) Tell him to do it. (correct)

(c) He is told to do it. (meaning has changed)

(d) He should be told to do it.(Incorrect word)


In these questions the sentences have been given in Active/ Passive Voice. From the given alternatives choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

Q-4)   May God bless you.






May God bless you.

(a) May you be blessed by God (Correct)

(b) You will be blessed by God (Incorrect word/s)

(c) You can be blessed by God (Incorrect word/s)

(d) You are blessed by God (Incorrect word/s)


In these questions the sentences have been given in Active/ Passive Voice. From the given alternatives choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

Q-5)   Could you pass the salt ?






In these questions the sentences have been given in Active/ Passive Voice. From the given alternatives choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

Q-6)   Prepare yourself for the worst.






In these questions the sentences have been given in Active/ Passive Voice. From the given alternatives choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

Q-7)   He teaches us grammar.






In these questions the sentences have been given in Active/ Passive Voice. From the given alternatives choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

Q-8)   She wrote a letter






In these questions the sentences have been given in Active/ Passive Voice. From the given alternatives choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

Q-9)   Has anybody answered your question ?






In these questions the sentences have been given in Active/ Passive Voice. From the given alternatives choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

Q-10)   The doctor bandaged the arm of the injured man.






The doctor bandaged the arm of the injured man.

(a) The injured man bandaged his arm.(The doctor is missing)

(b) The injured man made the doctor injure his arm.(Meaning has changed)

(c) The doctor injured and bandaged the arm of a man. (Incorrect structure)

(d) The arm of the injured man was bandaged by the doctor. (Correct)