Practice Scientist discoveries and inventions - general awareness mcq Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   An eminent Indian physicist Dr. C.V. Raman was given Nobel Prize for his work in the year





Q-2)   Sir C.V. Raman received Nobel Prize for Physics in the year





Q-3)   The causative virus of AIDS was isolated in the year of






Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was first reported in 1981 in San Francisco and New York. However, it was in 1983-84 that the causative virus was isolated from patients of AIDS and was named HIV in 1986.

Q-4)   Who discovered Television?





Q-5)   Epigraphy is the study of which of the following ?






Epigraphy is the study of inscriptions or epigraphs as writing. It is the science of identifying graphemes, clarifying their meanings, classifying their uses according to dates and cultural contexts, and drawing conclusions about the writing and the writers. A per-son using the methods of epigraphy is called an epigrapher or epigraphist.

Q-6)   Study of atmospheric phenomena is called






Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere, atmospheric phenomena, and atmospheric effects on our weather. It is a sub-discipline of the atmospheric sciences, a term that covers all studies of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is the gaseous layer of the physical environment that surrounds a planet.

Q-7)   Match the following.
List I List II
A. Typewriter 1. Davy
B. X-ray 2. Sholes
C. Radio 3. Roentgen
D. Safety lamp 4. Marconi
Codes: A B C D






Q-8)   Match the following.
List I List II
A. John Guttenberg 1. Telephone
B. W.K. Roentgen 2. Printing Press
C. Michael Faraday 3. X-Ray
D. Alexander Graham Bell 4. Dynamo
Codes: A B C D






Q-9)   Who discovered the first antibiotic ?






Sir Alexander Fleming discovered the world’s first antibiotic— benzylpenicillin (Penicillin G)—from the mould Penicillium notatum in 1928. For this discovery, he shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945 with Howard Florey and Ernst Boris Chain.

Q-10)   Stephen Hawking is a





Q-11)   The Nobel Prize for deciphering the language of bee was awarded to





Q-12)   Who invented Penicillin ?






Alexander Fleming discovered the antibiotic substance penicillin from the mould Penicillium notatum in 1928, for which he shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945.

Q-13)   Who invented the Safety razor?






King Camp Gillette, an American businessman, invented the best selling version of the safety razor in 1901. Several models were in existence before Gillette’s design.

Gillette’s innovation was the thin, inexpensive, disposable blade of stamped steel. Gillette is widely credited with inventing the so-called razor and blades business model.

Q-14)   The instrument used to measure pressure






The aneroid barometer is an instrument for measuring pressure as a method that does not involve liquid. Invented in 1844 by French scientist Lucien Vidi, it uses a small, flexible metal box called an aneroid cell, which is made from an alloy of beryllium and copper.

Q-15)   The study of Drugs and their action is known as






Pharmacology is the study of drugs. It involves examining the interactions of chemical substances with living systems, with a view to understanding the properties of drugs and their actions, including the interactions between drug molecules and drug receptors and how these interactions elicit an effect.

Q-16)   Venturimeter is used to measure:






A venturi meter is used to measure the flow speed of a fluid in a pipe. It is essentially a short pipe consisting of two conical parts with a short portion of the uniform cross-section in between.

It is always used in a way that the upstream part of the flow takes place through the short conical portion while the downstream part of the flow is through the long one.

Q-17)   Crescograph was invented by






A crescograph is a device for measuring growth in plants. It was invented in the early 20th century by Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose - an Indian polymath, physicist, biologist, botanist, and archaeologist.

Q-18)   Trie concept of “Green House Gases” was postulated by






The theory that gases in the atmosphere might increase Planet Earth’s temperature was first postulated by Joseph Fourier in 1827, a scientist who also seems to have coined the term “greenhouse gases.”

But it wasn’t until 1896 that a research chemist by the name of Svante Arrhenius quantified the greenhouse gas theory and apparently coined the term “greenhouse effect.”

Q-19)   IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) Technique was first devised by






Along with the surgeon Patrick Steptoe, Robert Edwards successfully pioneered conception through IVF, which led to the birth of Louise Brown in 1978. They founded the first IVF program for infertile patients and trained other scientists in their techniques.

Q-20)   Who among the following scientists propounded the New Theory of Relativity?



