Practice Question and answers set 4 - verbal reasoning Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   If it is possible to make only one meaningful word from the fourth, sixth, ninth and eleventh letters of the word CONTAMINATE, then the second letter from the left is your answer. If no such word can be formed then your answer is X and if more than one such word can be formed your answer is Y.








Q-2)   How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters EGUL using each letter only once in each word?







Only one word can made is GLUE


Study the following arrangement and answer questions given:

813 479 564 385 792 673

Q-3)   If the positions of first and second digits are changed in each number, which is the lowest number?







The one having lowest number if 2nd digit.


Study the following arrangement and answer questions given:

813 479 564 385 792 673

Q-4)   If one is subtracted from all even digits in the numbers, then in how many numbers, a digit appear twice within a number?







713 379 553 375 791 573

So,Only 553


Study the following arrangement and answer questions given:

813 479 564 385 792 673

Q-5)   In all numbers are arranged in ascending order, then what is the difference between the numbers which is second from the left and third from the right?







385 479 564 673 792 813

673 - 479=194


Study the following arrangement and answer questions given:

813 479 564 385 792 673

Q-6)   If in each number 1 is added to first digit and then first and third are interchanged, then which is the largest number?







+1 = 913 579 664 485 892 773

Interchange = 319 975 466 584 298 377


Study the following arrangement and answer questions given:

813 479 564 385 792 673

Q-7)   What is the resultant if first digit of highest number is divided by the second digit of the lowest number?







813 479 564 385 792 673

813 and 385 - 8/8 = 1


Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary and then choose the correct sequence.

Q-8)   1. Wrinkle 2. Wriggle 3. Writhe 4. Wretch 5. Wrath






Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary and then choose the correct sequence.

Q-9)   1. Brook 2. Bandit 3. Boisterous 4. Baffle 5. Bright






Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary and then choose the correct sequence.

Q-10)   1. Page 2. Pagan 3. Palisade 4. Pageant 5. Palate



