Practice Practice quiz - general science mcq Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   Water has maximum density at






Water has maximum density at 4°C.

Q-2)   The frequency of a wave travelling at a speed of 500 ms–1 is 25Hz. Its time period is





Q-3)   The marching soldiers break steps while crossing a bridge because of





Q-4)   The least distance of distinct vision of a normal eye of an adult is





Q-5)   An oscilloscope is an instrument which allows us to see waves produced by





Q-6)   Consider the following statements : If the same note is played on a flute and a sitar, one can still distinguish between them because they differ in
  1. frequency
  2. intensity
  3. quality
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?






The difference in music from both the instruments is due to quality difference.

Q-7)   Consider the following statements:
  1. Two bodies in contact must be in thermal equilibrium.
  2. A tightly closed metal lid of a glass bottle can be opened more easily if it is put in hot water for sometime.
  3. The coefficient of expansion of metal lid is greater than that of glass.
Which of the statements are correct?






A metal is a good conductor of heat and electricity while glass on the other hand is a poor conductor of heat.

Q-8)   Consider the following statements :
  1. 1 gram of water at 100°C and 1 gram of steam at 100°C contain same amount of heat.
  2. 1 m3 of dry air is heavier than 1 m3 of humid air.
  3. Density of a substance in C.G.S. system is numerically equal to its specific gravity.
Which of the statements given above is /are correct ?






(1) 1 gram of steam at 100°C contains greater amount of heat in comparison to 1 gram of water at 100°C. Thus, statement (1) is incorrect.

(2) 1 m3 of humid air is heavier than 1m3 of dry air. Thus, statement (2) is incorrect.

(3) Density of a substance in C.G.S. system is numerically equal to its specific gravity. Thus, statement (3) is correct.

Q-9)   Consider the following statements:
  1. Steam at 100°C and boiling water at 100°C contain same amount of heat.
  2. Latent heat of fusion of ice is equal to the latent heat of vaporization of water.
  3. In an air-conditioner, heat is extracted from the room air at the evaporator coils and is rejected out at the condenser coils.
Which of these statements is/are correct?






Q-10)   Which of the following radiations has the highest energy per quantum?



