Practice Practice questions test 1 - general science mcq Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   Which hormone stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete thyroxine?





Q-2)   Energy is stored in liver and muscles in the form of





Q-3)   Consider the following.
  1. This is the second largest gland of the human body.
  2. Its secretion comes out from a characteristic type of cells and is alkaline.
  3. Its secretion is said to be complete digestive juice.
These characteristics are of





Q-4)   Bile is produced in which part of the body?





Q-5)   Which one of the following hormones stimulates pancreas for the production of digestive juice?





Q-6)   Insulin is





Q-7)   Which hormone is injected to cows and buffaloes to make the milk descend to the udders?





Q-8)   Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists.
List-I List-II
A. Hormone 1. Lipase
B. Enzyme 2. Testrogen
C. Phospholipid 3. Lecithin
D. Polymer 4. Polythene
Match the two columns, and choose the correct option from those given. Code: (A), (B), (C), and (D)






Q-9)   The gas used for artificial ripening of green fruit is





Q-10)   Which one of the following is a plant hormone?



