Practice Physics set 4 - general science mcq Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   An astronaut sees the colour of the sky as





Q-2)   In the visible spectrum the colour having the shortest wavelength is





Q-3)   _____ is the characteristic of a musical sound by which a loud sound can be distinguished from a faint sound even though both have the same pitch.





Q-4)   A periodic wave is produced on a stretched string. Note the following quantities associated with the wave and the string
  1. frequency
  2. tension in the string
  3. wavelength
  4. linear density of the string
Which of the quantities influences the speed of the waves?






Sound waves cannot travel is vacuum.

Q-5)   Consider the following statements.
  1. If a person looks at a coin which is in a bucket of water, the coin will appear to be closer than it really is.
  2. If a person underwater looks at a coin above the water surface, the coin will appear to be at a higher level than it really is.
Which of the above statements is/ are correct?






Q-6)   The colour of an opaque object is due to the colour it





Q-7)   When water is heated from 0ºC to 10ºC. It’s volume





Q-8)   Which of the following statements is/are correct about sound?
  1. Sound is produced by a vibrating body.
  2. Sound needs a medium for propagation.
  3. If 2 sounds are equally loud, then their pitch will also be equal.






Pitch of sound depends on vibration of source.

Q-9)   Consider the following statements : Sound waves can undergo
  1. reflection
  2. refraction
  3. interference





Q-10)   Consider the following statements:
  1. A flute of smaller length produces waves of lower frequency.
  2. Sound travels in rocks in the form of longitudinal elastic waves only.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?






The flute is a musical instrument of the woodwind family.

A flute of smaller length produces waves of higher frequency. Sound waves travel through medium even through an extremely dense medium like rocks in the form of longitudinal waves only.

A good example is the shock wave from an Earthquake, which can be heard hundreds of miles away from the epicentre after travelling through rocks in the ground.