Practice Nature of matter and composition - general science mcq Online Quiz (set-2) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   Who among the following is called 'The father of modern chemistry?





Q-2)   The oxide of which of the following elements is used as a coolant?





Q-3)   Which one is a sublime substance?





Q-4)   What happens when a fixed amount of oxygen gas is taken in a cylinder and compressed at constant temperature?
  1. Number of collisions of oxygen molecules at per unit area of the wall of the cylinder increase.
  2. Oxygen ($O_2$) gets converted into ozone ($O_3$).
  3. Kinetic energy of the molecules of oxygen gas increases.





Q-5)   The latest discovered state of matter is





Q-6)   Two substances A and B when brought together form a substance C with the evolution of heat. The properties of C are entirely different from those of A and B. The substance C is






C is a compund which is formed as a result of reaction between A and B.

Q-7)   On passing through a colloidal solution, the beam of light gets ..........






This is due to Tyndall effect.

Q-8)   A sample contains two substances and has uniform properties. The sample is






Homogeneous mixture is a solution having uniform composition and properties throughout.

Q-9)   Which of the following is a compound ?






Hydrogen sulphide (H2 S) is a compound of hydrogen and sulphur.

Stainless steel and bronze are alloys whereas graphite is an allotropic form of the element carbon.

Q-10)   Which one of the following is not a mixture?





Q-11)   Select the one that is a chemical change.






Chemical changes are irrerversible in nature.

Q-12)   Select the one that is a physical change.






Each of the process given in options are irreversible and involve change in chemical properties hence all are chemical changes.

Q-13)   Solubility is a good separation technique for






Different salts have different solubility in a particular solvent. Thus on this basis mixture of different salts can be separated.

Q-14)   The phenomenon of radioactivity was invented by





Q-15)   Which of the following is an example of a heterogeneous substance?






Candle is a heterogeneous mixture of wax and thread. Copper is element while bottled water and table salt are compounds.

Q-16)   Vermicompost is an/a





Q-17)   When we put some crystals of potassium permanganate in a beaker containing water, we observe that after sometime whole water has turned pink. This is due to





Q-18)   What type of mixture is smoke?





Q-19)   A mixture of ethanol and water can be separated by






Mixture of ethanol and water can be separated by fractional distillation as they have different boiling points.

Q-20)   In which one of the following situations a chemical reaction does not occur?



