Practice Model questions set 1 - quantitative aptitude Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   If sin θ + cos θ = 1, then what is the value of sin θ cos θ ?






Given, $\text"sin θ + cos θ"$ = 1

Squaring both sides,

$(sin^2 θ + cos^2 θ) + 2 \text"sin θ cos θ" = 1$

⇒ 1 + 2 sin θ cos θ = 1 ⇒ sin θ cos θ = 0.

Q-2)   If tan x = 1, 0 < x < 90°, then what is the value of 2 sin x cos x ?






tan x = 1 = tan 45°

∴ x = 45°

2 sin x. cos x = 2 sin (45°) . cos (45°)

= 2 × $1/{√2} × 1/{√2}$ = 1

Q-3)   $({sin 35°}/{cos 55°})^2 - ({cos 55°}/{sin 35°})^2$ + 2sin 30° is equal to






$({sin 35°}/{cos 55°})^2 - ({cos 55°}/{sin 35°})^2$ + 2 sin 30° ....(1)

We know that

sin $({π}/2 - θ)$ = cos θ

⇒ sin (90 - 55°) = cos 55°

⇒ sin 35° = cos 55°

So from (1) we get

$({sin 35°}/{sin 35°})^2 - ({cos 55°}/{cos 55°})^2 + 2 × 1/2$

= $(1)^2 - (1)^2 + 1$

∴ Option (c) is correct.

Q-4)   What is sin 25° sin 35° sec 65° sec 55° equal to?






sin 25° sin 35° sec 65° sec 55°

= sin 25° . sin 35° . $1/{cos 65°} . 1/{cos 55°}$

= sin 25° . sin 35° . $1/{cos (90 - 25°)} . 1/{cos (90 - 35°)}$

= sin 25° . sin 35° . $1/{sin 25°} . 1/{sin 35°}$ = 1

Q-5)   If $sin^2$ x + sin x = 1, then what is the value of $cos^{12} x + 3 cosx^{10} x + 3 cos^8 x + cosx^6$ x?






We have,

$sin^2x$ + sin x = 1...(1)

∴ sin x = 1 - $sin^2 x = cos^2 x$

On cubing equation (1), we get

$(sin^2 x + sin x)^3 = {1}^3$

$sin^6 x + sin^3 x + 3 sin^2 x. sin x (sin^2 \text"x + sin x")$ = 1

$sin^6x + sin^3 x + 3 sin^5x + 3 sin^4x$ = 1

∴ $cos^{12}x + 3 cos^{10}x + 3 cos^8 x + co^6 x$ = 1

Q-6)   If $cos^2$ x + cosx = 1, then what is the value of $sin^{12}x + 3sin^{l0}x + 3sin^8 x +sin^6$ x






$cos^2 \text"x + cos x = 1"$

⇒ $\text"cos x = 1" - cos^2 x = sin^2 x$

= $sin^{12}x + 3 sin^{10}x + 3 sin^8x + sin^6x$

= $sin^6x[sin^6x + 3 sin^4x + 3 sin^2 x + 1]$

= $sin^6x[sin^2 x + 1]^3$

= $[sin^4x + sin^2 x]^3$

$(∴ sin^4 x = cos^2 x)$

= $(sin^2 x + cos^2 x)$ = 1

Q-7)   What is the value of tan1° tan2° tan3° tan4° ... tan89° ?






tan1° tan2° tan3° tan4°.......tan 89°

tan1° tan2° ......tan45°......tan 89°

= 1

Q-8)   If $a^2 = {1 + 2 sin θ cos θ}/{1 - 2 sin θ cos θ}$, then what is the value of ${a + 1}/{a - 1}$ ?






Given that:

$a^2 = {\text"1 + 2 sin θ cos θ"}/{\text"1 - 2 sin θ cos θ"}$

⇒ $a^2 = {(sin^2 θ + cos^2 θ) + \text"2 sin θ . cos θ"}/{(sin^2 θ + cos^2 θ) - \text"2 sin θ . cos θ"}$

⇒ $a^2 = {(\text"sin θ + cos θ")^2}/{(\text"sin θ - cos θ")^2} ⇒ a/1 = {\text"sin θ + cos θ"}/{\text"sin θ - cos θ"}$

(applying componendo dividendo formula)

⇒ ${a + 1}/{a - 1} = {(\text"sin θ + cos θ") + (\text"sin θ - cos θ")}/{(\text"sin θ + cos θ") - (\text"sin θ - cos θ")}$

⇒ ${a + 1}/{a - 1} = {\text"2 sin θ"}/{\text"2 cos θ"}$ = tan θ

Q-9)   What is the least value of (25 $cosec^2 x + sec^2$ x) ?






Min Value = $(√{25} + 1)^2$ = 36

Q-10)   If 5 sin θ + 12 cos θ = 13, then what is 5 cos θ – 12 sin θ equal to?






∵ 5 sin θ + 12 cos θ = 12

Now, squaring both sides, we get

$25 sin^2 θ + 144 cos^2 θ + \text"120 sin θ cos θ"$ = 169

⇒ 25$(1 - cos^2 θ) + 144(1 - sin^2 θ) + \text"120 sin θ cos θ"$ = 169

⇒ 25 - 25 $ cos^2 θ + 144 - 144 sin^2 θ + \text"120 sin θ cos θ"$ - 169

⇒ 25 $cos^2 θ + 144 sin^2 θ - \text"120 sin θ cos θ" = 169 - 169$

⇒ $(\text"5 cos θ - 12 sin θ")^2$ = 0

∴ 5 cos θ - 12 sin θ = 0