Practice Grammar adverbs - general english mcq Online Quiz (set-2) For All Competitive Exams


Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-1)   Where else (a)/ did you go besides (b)/ the bank? (c)/ No error (d)






The following questions are splitted into parts using Alphabets (a, b, c & d), Here some parts of the sentences have errors and remainings are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The Alphabets of that part is the answer for that question. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error.

Note: In some questions no seperation has been done. So find the answers acoordingly.

Q-2)   (a) You always /(b) come lately/ (c) to class/(d) No error.






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-3)   (a) He is being/(b) very politely/ (c) for the reason best known to him. /(d) No error.






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-4)   Who can believe (a)/ that she was not (b)/ hardly hit (c)/ by the death of her son. (d)/No error (e)







Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-5)   (a) A soldier is/ (b) taught never to/(c) fight cowardly/(d) No error.






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-6)   (a) All the pupils/ (b) stood up respectively/ (c) as the Guru entered the room./ (d) No error.






The following questions are splitted into parts using Alphabets (a, b, c & d), Here some parts of the sentences have errors and remainings are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The Alphabets of that part is the answer for that question. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error.

Note: In some questions no seperation has been done. So find the answers acoordingly.

Q-7)   She is very senior (a)/ to me, so I (b)/cannot defy her orders. (c)/ No error (d)






The following questions are splitted into parts using Alphabets (a, b, c & d), Here some parts of the sentences have errors and remainings are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The Alphabets of that part is the answer for that question. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error.

Note: In some questions no seperation has been done. So find the answers acoordingly.

Q-8)   He was very tired (a)/ of work so he said (b)/ that he would (c)/ not accompany us. (d)/No error (e)







The following questions are splitted into parts using Alphabets (a, b, c & d), Here some parts of the sentences have errors and remainings are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The Alphabets of that part is the answer for that question. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error.

Note: In some questions no seperation has been done. So find the answers acoordingly.

Q-9)   (a) She had barely/(b) nothing to wear/(c) when she came to me for help/(d) No error.






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-10)   (a) She did her job/ (b) as better as she/(c) could do/(d) No error.






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-11)   (a) Outright rejection/(b) of my plea /(c) disappointed me/(d) No error.






The following questions are splitted into parts using Alphabets (a, b, c & d), Here some parts of the sentences have errors and remainings are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The Alphabets of that part is the answer for that question. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error.

Note: In some questions no seperation has been done. So find the answers acoordingly.

Q-12)   He has been trying (a)/ to persuade her for several months (b)/ but he has (c)/ not still succeeded. (d)/No error (e)







Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-13)   (a) I am full of energy/(b) today because I /(c) soundly slept last night/(d) No error.






The following questions are splitted into parts using Alphabets (a, b, c & d), Here some parts of the sentences have errors and remainings are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The Alphabets of that part is the answer for that question. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error.

Note: In some questions no seperation has been done. So find the answers acoordingly.

Q-14)   (a) Great leaders tried / (b) to eradicate social evil practices/(c) with tooth and nail/ (d) No error.






The following questions are splitted into parts using Alphabets (a, b, c & d), Here some parts of the sentences have errors and remainings are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The Alphabets of that part is the answer for that question. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error.

Note: In some questions no seperation has been done. So find the answers acoordingly.

Q-15)   (a) Though he was brave,/ (b) he could not face the ups and downs/(c) of life manly/ (d) No error.






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-16)   (a) When I read his biography,/(b) I hardly found something/(c)in his character that I could admire/(d) No error.






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-17)   (a) I refused to accompany him/(b) because he was/(c) so boring/(d) No error.






The following questions are splitted into parts using Alphabets (a, b, c & d), Here some parts of the sentences have errors and remainings are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The Alphabets of that part is the answer for that question. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error.

Note: In some questions no seperation has been done. So find the answers acoordingly.

Q-18)   Every member of the family (a)/ is addicted to drinking (b)/ and so Asha is. (c)/ No error (d)






The following questions are splitted into parts using Alphabets (a, b, c & d), Here some parts of the sentences have errors and remainings are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The Alphabets of that part is the answer for that question. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No error.

Note: In some questions no seperation has been done. So find the answers acoordingly.

Q-19)   The amount which the company (a)/ paid to the dependents of (b)/ the deceased was (c)/ fairly unjustified. (d)/No error (e)







Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-20)   I liked that opportune moment (a)/ where the workers proved themselves (b)/ and came out victorious. (c)/ No error (d)



