Practice Governor General And Viceroy - Indian History Mcq Online Quiz (Set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   Awadh was amalgamated into the British dominion in year





Q-2)   The princely state of Baghat was annexed to the British in





Q-3)   When was Peshwaship abolished?





Q-4)   The export of slaves from Bengal was banned in which year?





Q-5)   The first railway line in India was started in the year





Q-6)   Match the following and select the correct answer from the code given below.  
List I List-II
A. Doctrine of Lapse 1. Curzon
B. Partition of Bengal 2. Clive
C. Dual Government in Bengal 3. Dalhousie
D. Social Reforms 4. Bentinck






Q-7)   Who of the following was the first Viceroy of India?





Q-8)   Who compared Curzon’s administration in India to that of Aurangzeb?





Q-9)   The transfer of capital of British India from Calcutta to Delhi was affected during the period of





Q-10)   Consider the following Viceroys of India during the British rule.
  1. Lord Curzon
  2. Lord Hardinge
  3. Lord Chelmsford
  4. Lord Irwin
Which one of the following is the correct chronological order of their tenure?





Q-11)   Who amongst the following is considered to be the Father of ‘Local Self-Government’ in India?





Q-12)   James Andrew Ramsay was the real name of which Governor-General of India?





Q-13)   Third Anglo-Maratha war is related to





Q-14)   ‘‘The Muslims, if contented and satisfied, would become the greatest bulwark of British power in India’’. Who wrote it?





Q-15)   Public Works Department was organised in 1845-1855 by





Q-16)   The first railway line was opened in India between





Q-17)   Sati system was abolished by





Q-18)   The first Indian ruler who joined the Subsidiary Alliance was






The Nizam of Hyderabad was the first to accept a well-framed subsidiary alliance in 1798. After the Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817–19), Maratha ruler Baji Rao II also accepted a subsidiary alliance.

Q-19)   Queen Victoria’s manifesto was read out in Allahabad on November 1, 1858 by





Q-20)   Between whom was the ‘Treaty of Bassein’ signed in 1802?



