Practice Gain or loss of clock timing - verbal reasoning Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   Between 5 and 6, a lady looked at her watch and mistaking the hour hand for the minute hand, she thought that the time was 57 minutes earlier than the correct time. The correct time was






Since the time read by the lady was 57 minutes earlier than the correct time,

so the minute hand is (60 - 57) = 3 minute spaces behind the hour hand.

Now, at 5 O' clock, the minute hand is 25 minute spaces behind the hour hand.

To be 3 minute spaces behind, it must gain (25 - 3) = 22 minute spaces.

55 min spaces are gained in 60 min.

22 min spaces are gained in $(60/55 × 22) = 24 min$

Hence, the correct time was 24 minutes past 5.

Q-2)   The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at intervals of 65 min of the correct time. How much does a clock gain or lose in a day?






Required result = $(720/11 - x) (60 × 24 /x) $min Here, x = 65

Therefore, required result = $(720/11 - 65) (60 × 24 / 65)$ min

= $5/11 × 288/13$ min = 10 $10/143$ min gain

Q-3)   The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at intervals of 62 min of the correct time. How much does a clock gain or lose in a day?






Required result =$ (720/11 - x) (60 × 24 /x)$ min Here, x = 62

Therefore, required result = $(720/11 - 62) (60 × 24 /62)$ min

= $38/11 × 720/31 $min = 80 $80/341$ min gain (gain as sign is positive)

Q-4)   The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at intervals of 58 min of the correct time. How much does a clock gain or lose in a day?






Required result =$ (720/11 - x) (60 × 24 / X)$ min Here, x = 58

Therefore, required result = $(720/11 - 62) (60 × 24 /58)$ min

= $82/11 × 720/29 min = 185 25/319 min $gain (gain as sign is positive)

Q-5)   A watch which gains uniformly is 2 minutes low at noon on Monday and is 4 min. 48 sec fast at 2 p.m. on the following Monday. When was it correct?






Time from 12 p.m. on Monday to 2 p.m.

on the following Monday = 7 days 2 hours = 170 hours.

Therefore, the watch gains $(2 + 4 4/5) min. or 34/5 min.$ in 170 hrs.

now, 34/5 min. are gained in 170 hrs.

2 min. are gained in $(170 × 5/34 × 2) hrs = 50 hrs.$

Therefore, Watch is correct 2 days 2 hrs. after 12 p.m. on Monday

i.e. it will be correct at 2 p.m. on Wednesday

Q-6)   The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at intervals of 63 min of the correct time. How much does a clock gain or loses in a day?






Method I

As we know that in a correct clock, the minute hand gains 55 min spaces over the hour hand in 60 min.

To be together again, the minute hand must gain 60 min over the hour hand.

60 min are gained in $(60/55 × 60) min = 65 5/11 min$

But they are together after 63 min.

Therefore, gain in 63 min =$ (65 5/11 - 63) = 2 5/11 min = 27/11 min$

Gain in 24 h = $(27/11 × 60 × 24/63) min = 4320/77 min = 56 8/77 min$

As result is positive, therefore clock gains 56 $8/77$ min.

Method II

In the given question, x = 63 min

According to the formula,

Required result = $(720/11 - x) (60 × 24 /x) min = (720/11 - 63) (60 × 24 /63 ) min$

= $27/11 × 60 × 8 /21 = 56 8/77 $min (gain as sign in positive)

Q-7)   A watch which gains 5 seconds in 3 minutes was set right at 7 a.m. In the afternoon of the same day, When the watch indicated quarter past 4 O' clock, the true time is






Time from 7 a.m. to 4.15 p.m. = 9 hrs 15 min = $37/4$ hrs 3 min 5 sec of this clock = 3 min. of the correct clock.

= $37/720$ hrs of this clock = $1/20$ hrs of the correct clock

= $37/4$ hrs of this clock

= $(1/20 × 720/37 × 37/4)$ hrs of the correct clock

= 9 hrs of the correct clock

Therefore, The correct time is 9 hrs after 7 a.m., i.e. 4 p.m.

Q-8)   The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at intervals of 50 min of the correct time. How much does a clock gain or lose in a day?






Required result = $(720/11 - x) (60 × 24 /x) min$

Here, x = 50 Therefore, required result = $(720/11 - 50) (60 × 24/50) min$

= $(170/11 × 144/5) min$

= 445 $5/55$ min gain (gain as sign is positive)

Q-9)   The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at intervals of 76 min of the correct time. How much does a clock gain or lose in a day ?






Therefore, required result = $(720/11 - x) (60 ×24 / 76) min$

Here, x = 76 Therefore, required result = $(720/11 - 76) (60 × 24 /76) min$

= $-116/11 × 360/19 min$

= $- 199 169/206 min$ (loss as sign in negative)

Q-10)   The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at intervals of 88 min of the correct time. How much does a clock gain or lose in a day?






Required result = $(720/11 - x) (60×24 /x) min$

Here, x = 88

Therefore, required result =$ (720/11 - 88) (60×24 /88) min$

= $-248/11 × 180/11 min = -368 112/121 min$ (loss as sign in negative)