Practice Differentiation coding decoding - verbal reasoning Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams


Read the following information to answer the questions that follow. In Column I, some words are given. In Column II, their codes are given and they are arranged in the same order in which they are in Column I but the letters in the code in Column II are not in the same order in which the letters of the words are given in Column I.

Study the columns and give your answer on the basis of that.

Column I Column II
(1) F L O U R (A) x n c a p
(2) T A P (B) k s d
(3) R O S E (C) c m r n
(4) L O T U S (D) s m c p x
(5) S A I L (E) k p t m
[Delhi Police (Constable) 2010]

Q-1)   Which of the following options is the code for O?






Clearly, the code for O is c.


Read the following information to answer the questions that follow. In Column I, some words are given. In Column II, their codes are given and they are arranged in the same order in which they are in Column I but the letters in the code in Column II are not in the same order in which the letters of the words are given in Column I.

Study the columns and give your answer on the basis of that.

Column I Column II
(1) F L O U R (A) x n c a p
(2) T A P (B) k s d
(3) R O S E (C) c m r n
(4) L O T U S (D) s m c p x
(5) S A I L (E) k p t m
[Delhi Police (Constable) 2010]

Q-2)   Find the code for F.






Clearly, the code for F is a.


Read the following information to answer the questions that follow. In Column I, some words are given. In Column II, their codes are given and they are arranged in the same order in which they are in Column I but the letters in the code in Column II are not in the same order in which the letters of the words are given in Column I.

Study the columns and give your answer on the basis of that.

Column I Column II
(1) F L O U R (A) x n c a p
(2) T A P (B) k s d
(3) R O S E (C) c m r n
(4) L O T U S (D) s m c p x
(5) S A I L (E) k p t m
[Delhi Police (Constable) 2010]

Q-3)   Which letter is the code for P?






Clearly, the code for P is  d.


Read the following information to answer the questions that follow. In Column I, some words are given. In Column II, their codes are given and they are arranged in the same order in which they are in Column I but the letters in the code in Column II are not in the same order in which the letters of the words are given in Column I.

Study the columns and give your answer on the basis of that.

Column I Column II
(1) F L O U R (A) x n c a p
(2) T A P (B) k s d
(3) R O S E (C) c m r n
(4) L O T U S (D) s m c p x
(5) S A I L (E) k p t m
[Delhi Police (Constable) 2010]

Q-4)   What is the code for E?






Clearly, the code for E is r.


Read the following information to answer the questions that follow.

In the following questions, two Column I and II have been given. In Column I, few words are given and in Column II, their codes have been given using a particular rule. The order of the smaller letter have been placed in jumbled up form.

You have to decode the language and choose the alternative which is equal to the letter asked in the question.

Column I Column II
(1) DESIGN (A) uklbjz
(2) INFORM (B) cbxkqy
(3) MOTHER (C) ygzwxc
(4) RIGHTS (D) bjucgw
(5) TAILOR (E) wcpybv
(6) GARDEN (F) vzcjlk

Q-5)   What is the code for the letter F?






In the statement (ii), it is clear that the word has a letter F in it, which is not contained by any other word.

Similarly, its code has letter q, which is not contained by any other code.

Hence, F stands for q.


Read the following information to answer the questions that follow.

In the following questions, two Column I and II have been given. In Column I, few words are given and in Column II, their codes have been given using a particular rule. The order of the smaller letter have been placed in jumbled up form.

You have to decode the language and choose the alternative which is equal to the letter asked in the question.

Column I Column II
(1) DESIGN (A) uklbjz
(2) INFORM (B) cbxkqy
(3) MOTHER (C) ygzwxc
(4) RIGHTS (D) bjucgw
(5) TAILOR (E) wcpybv
(6) GARDEN (F) vzcjlk

Q-6)   What is the code for the letter G?






We have already found in sol. 10 that G = j.


Read the following information to answer the questions that follow.

In the following questions, two Column I and II have been given. In Column I, few words are given and in Column II, their codes have been given using a particular rule. The order of the smaller letter have been placed in jumbled up form.

You have to decode the language and choose the alternative which is equal to the letter asked in the question.

Column I Column II
(1) DESIGN (A) uklbjz
(2) INFORM (B) cbxkqy
(3) MOTHER (C) ygzwxc
(4) RIGHTS (D) bjucgw
(5) TAILOR (E) wcpybv
(6) GARDEN (F) vzcjlk

Q-7)   What is the code for the letter N?






In statements (i) and (ii), common letters are I and N and common codes are b and k.

Therefore, it is clear that IN stands for bk but not necessarily in the same order. From statement (vi), it is clear that the word has letter N and code k is given for it.

Hence, code for N is k. 


Read the following information to answer the questions that follow.

In the following questions, two Column I and II have been given. In Column I, few words are given and in Column II, their codes have been given using a particular rule. The order of the smaller letter have been placed in jumbled up form.

You have to decode the language and choose the alternative which is equal to the letter asked in the question.

Column I Column II
(1) DESIGN (A) uklbjz
(2) INFORM (B) cbxkqy
(3) MOTHER (C) ygzwxc
(4) RIGHTS (D) bjucgw
(5) TAILOR (E) wcpybv
(6) GARDEN (F) vzcjlk

Q-8)   What is the code for the letter O?






From statements (iii) and (v),

it is clear that TOR = ywc.

From statements (ii), OR = yc.

From statement (vi), R = c.

Hence, O = y.


Read the following information to answer the questions that follow.

In the following questions, two Column I and II have been given. In Column I, few words are given and in Column II, their codes have been given using a particular rule. The order of the smaller letter have been placed in jumbled up form.

You have to decode the language and choose the alternative which is equal to the letter asked in the question.

Column I Column II
(1) DESIGN (A) uklbjz
(2) INFORM (B) cbxkqy
(3) MOTHER (C) ygzwxc
(4) RIGHTS (D) bjucgw
(5) TAILOR (E) wcpybv
(6) GARDEN (F) vzcjlk

Q-9)   What is the code for the letter S?






From statements (i) and (iv),

it is clear that SIG = ubj.

From statement (i), we have already found that

I = b.

Therefore, SG = uj.

Now, from statement (vi), G = j,

therefore S = u.


Read the following information to answer the questions that follow. In Column I, some words are given. In Column II, their codes are given and they are arranged in the same order in which they are in Column I but the letters in the code in Column II are not in the same order in which the letters of the words are given in Column I.

Study the columns and give your answer on the basis of that.

Column I Column II
(1) F L O U R (A) x n c a p
(2) T A P (B) k s d
(3) R O S E (C) c m r n
(4) L O T U S (D) s m c p x
(5) S A I L (E) k p t m
[Delhi Police (Constable) 2010]

Q-10)   Find the code for L.






Clearly, the code for L is p.