Practice Cloze test - general english mcq Online Quiz (set-2) For All Competitive Exams


The following questions, you have several passages where some of the words have been left out. Read the passages carefully and choose the correct answer to each blank out of the four alternatives


Childhood is a time when there are ___(1)___ responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child ___(2)___ good parents, he is fed, looked ___(3)___ and loved, whatever he may do. It is improbable that he will ever again in his life ___(4)___ given so much without having to do anything ___(5)___ return. In addition, life is always ___(6)___ new things to the child. A child finds ___(7)___ in playing in the rain or in the snow. His first visit ___(8)___ the seaside is a marvellous adventure. But a child has his pains; he is not so free to do as he wishes; he is continually being ___(9)___ not to do things or is being ___(10)___. His life is therefore not perfectly happy

[SSC (GL) Tier-II 2014]

Q-1)   Fill the blank (7).






pleasure (Noun


In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.


It was a sudden decision. Three of us, all ___(1)___ in the hostel, decided to travel by train to ___(2)___ and witness the Republic Day Parade. The station was heavily ___(3)___ and there was a long queue before the ticket counter. ___(4)___ pretended sickness and persuaded the man nearest to the ___(5)___ to buy three more tickets – one for him and ___(6)___ for his sisters. No problem, therefore, in buying tickets. ___(7)___ train was already at the platform and there was ___(8)___ mad rush among the passengers to get on the coaches. Hari would not be worried by ___(9)___. He asked ___(10)___ to jump over the bumper between two coaches to get on to the other side.

[SSC (10+2) 2011]

Q-2)   Choose the most appropriate word for blank (5).






counter (Noun)


In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.


It was a sudden decision. Three of us, all ___(1)___ in the hostel, decided to travel by train to ___(2)___ and witness the Republic Day Parade. The station was heavily ___(3)___ and there was a long queue before the ticket counter. ___(4)___ pretended sickness and persuaded the man nearest to the ___(5)___ to buy three more tickets – one for him and ___(6)___ for his sisters. No problem, therefore, in buying tickets. ___(7)___ train was already at the platform and there was ___(8)___ mad rush among the passengers to get on the coaches. Hari would not be worried by ___(9)___. He asked ___(10)___ to jump over the bumper between two coaches to get on to the other side.

[SSC (10+2) 2011]

Q-3)   Choose the most appropriate word for blank (10).






us (Pro.)


In each of the following passages there are blanks, each of which has been indicated as A, B, C to J. Choose the correct word from the given options which fits the blank appropriately.


There is an old story told of a man who ___(A)___ into a deep sleep, His friend stayed by him as long as he ___(B)___. Being compelled to go and fearing that he might be in want, the friend hid a ___(C)___ in the old man's garment, When the old man ___(D)___, not ___(E)___ that his friend had ___(F)___ a jewel in his garment, he wandered about in ___(G)___, hungry. A long time afterwards, the two men met again. The friend told the poor man about the jewel and ___(H)___ him to look for it. Like the old man in the story, people ___(I)___ about in this life, ___(J)___ of what is hidden away in their inner nature, pure and untarnished.

[SSC CGL Tier-II 2016]

Q-4)   Fill the blanks with the help of alternatives given below.








In each of the following passages there are blanks, each of which has been indicated as A, B, C to J. Choose the correct word from the given options which fits the blank appropriately.


There is an old story told of a man who ___(A)___ into a deep sleep, His friend stayed by him as long as he ___(B)___. Being compelled to go and fearing that he might be in want, the friend hid a ___(C)___ in the old man's garment, When the old man ___(D)___, not ___(E)___ that his friend had ___(F)___ a jewel in his garment, he wandered about in ___(G)___, hungry. A long time afterwards, the two men met again. The friend told the poor man about the jewel and ___(H)___ him to look for it. Like the old man in the story, people ___(I)___ about in this life, ___(J)___ of what is hidden away in their inner nature, pure and untarnished.

[SSC CGL Tier-II 2016]

Q-5)   Fill the blanks with the help of alternatives given below.








The following questions, you have several passages where some of the words have been left out. Read the passages carefully and choose the correct answer to each blanks with its particular number, out of the five alternatives.


When the European Central Bank's Governing Council met on December 14, there was little to surprise financial markets, because no policy changes could be _____(1)_____ from public remarks. The previous meeting, in late October, had already set the stage for the normalization of monetary policy, with the announcement that the ECB would halve its monthly asset purchases, from €60 billion ($71 billion) to €30 billion, beginning in January 2018.The motivation behind normalization does not appear to be the eurozone's inflation performance, which continues to _____(2)_____ the target of roughly 2% by an uncomfortable margin. Inflation expectations, while inching up recently, also appear anchored well below target, despite recent _____(3)_____ confidence readings. And the ECB's own forecast suggests that it does not _____(4)_____ that price growth will breach 2% anytime soon. What about the output gap? In step with the US Federal Reserve, the ECB _____(5)_____ its growth forecasts higher.

In that setting, R-star (the natural rate of interest) may be perceived as _____(6)_____ up, in line with output moving closer to _____(7)_____ across a broad swath of eurozone economies.Still, OECD estimates of the 2017 and 2018 output gap for most of the eurozone countries (Germany and Ireland are notable exceptions) suggest that there is slack, and in _____(8)_____ cases considerable slack. While German unemployment, now below 4%, is at its lowest level since _____(9)_____ , EU unemployment still hovers around 9%. Given this, it appears premature to view fears of eurozone overheating as the main driver of monetarypolicy normalization. Perhaps there are other motives for normalization that the ECB doesn't discuss publicly. Financial stability comes to mind. After all, the Fed does not forecast recessions, and the International Monetary Fund usually does not issue public _____(10)_____ on a country's odds of default. The silence reflects an understandable desire to avoid fueling a self-fulfilling process.

Q-6)   Choose the correct answer from the given options to fill the blank with number (5)?







nudged – prod (someone) gently with one’s elbow in order to attract attention.


The following questions, you have several passages where some of the words have been left out. Read the passages carefully and choose the correct answer to each blanks with its particular number, out of the five alternatives.


When the European Central Bank's Governing Council met on December 14, there was little to surprise financial markets, because no policy changes could be _____(1)_____ from public remarks. The previous meeting, in late October, had already set the stage for the normalization of monetary policy, with the announcement that the ECB would halve its monthly asset purchases, from €60 billion ($71 billion) to €30 billion, beginning in January 2018.The motivation behind normalization does not appear to be the eurozone's inflation performance, which continues to _____(2)_____ the target of roughly 2% by an uncomfortable margin. Inflation expectations, while inching up recently, also appear anchored well below target, despite recent _____(3)_____ confidence readings. And the ECB's own forecast suggests that it does not _____(4)_____ that price growth will breach 2% anytime soon. What about the output gap? In step with the US Federal Reserve, the ECB _____(5)_____ its growth forecasts higher.

In that setting, R-star (the natural rate of interest) may be perceived as _____(6)_____ up, in line with output moving closer to _____(7)_____ across a broad swath of eurozone economies.Still, OECD estimates of the 2017 and 2018 output gap for most of the eurozone countries (Germany and Ireland are notable exceptions) suggest that there is slack, and in _____(8)_____ cases considerable slack. While German unemployment, now below 4%, is at its lowest level since _____(9)_____ , EU unemployment still hovers around 9%. Given this, it appears premature to view fears of eurozone overheating as the main driver of monetarypolicy normalization. Perhaps there are other motives for normalization that the ECB doesn't discuss publicly. Financial stability comes to mind. After all, the Fed does not forecast recessions, and the International Monetary Fund usually does not issue public _____(10)_____ on a country's odds of default. The silence reflects an understandable desire to avoid fueling a self-fulfilling process.

Q-7)   Choose the correct answer from the given options to fill the blank with number (9)?







reunification – restoration of political unity to a place or group, especially a divided territory.


The following questions, you have several passages where some of the words have been left out. Read the passages carefully and choose the correct answer to each blanks with its particular number, out of the five alternatives.


Trust is the basis of human relationship. As trust between people grows, ____(1)____ change and interpersonal dynamics are transformed. Diverse skills and abilities become ____(2)____ and appreciated as strengths. People begin to ____(3)____ one another's attitudes and feelings. They learn to be ____(4)____ instead of playing roles. As trust grows the ____(5)____ that prevent ____(6)____ and openness lessen. People become more expressive, impulsive, frank and ____(7)____. Their communication is efficient and clear. They risk ____(8)____ and confrontation, opening the doors to deeper communication, involvement and commitment. Congestion and ____(9)____ lessen. The flow of data is open and ____(10)____.

Q-8)   Identify the exact answer for the blank (3)?







The following questions, you have several passages where some of the words have been left out. Read the passages carefully and choose the correct answer to each blanks with its particular number, out of the five alternatives.


The first proposal I submitted for my dissertation at UCLA was to write a theory of personality. My chairman, a kindly man, smiled ____(1)____ and told me that perhaps this was a bit ambitious for a young graduate student. ____(2)____, I accepted his verdict and changed my topic, but not my desire. It ____(3)____ later, when I had a chance to begin to ____(4)____ a theory in my research on group dynamics for the Navy during the Korean War. As I ____(5)____ on the reasons for the persistence of my interest in the overarching theory, I had an ____(6)____ memory. When I was around eight years old, I was a ____(7)____ baseball fan, as was my father. My hero was Lou Gohrig. I would approach my father in an attempt to prove to him how good Gohrig really was : "He hit 363, had 49 home runs, batted in 165 runs. He's terrific!" My father's response caught me off guard : "Yes, but he can't field." I wasn't prepared for that. From then on, my way of ____(8)____ with my father's responses was to make sure I knew everything about any topic I wanted to talk to him about. Partly as a ____(9)____, I became a holist. I had to make sure I had ____(10)____ for everything.

Q-9)   Choose the correct word which fits the blank (4)?







The following questions, you have several passages where some of the words have been left out. Read the passages carefully and choose the correct answer to each blanks with its particular number, out of the five alternatives.


The latest stage of the continuing ____(1)____ between India and the United States on the nuclear issue is now punctuated with pleasing diplomatic observations. Our latest round of talks with the American Deputy Secretary of State is "positive and encouraging". The US Deputy Secretary of State remarked that "none of us are pleased to have any clouds over the ____(2)____". We in India know that these clouds have ____(3)____ towards the subcontinent from the West. The US can easily disperse the clouds if it wants. But the economic sanctions are still in place. The US is only ____(4)____ trying to come to terms with the fact that the nuclear weapons are not the ____(5)____ of the Permanent Members of the Security Council. If they do not recognize India as a nuclear power, then what is it that they are ____(6)____ to? India will not ____(7)____ by their de-recognising the nuclear tests. Both sides can happily close ____(8)____ eyes and agree to ____(9)____ what has happened. The fact that India is a sovereign nation, entitled to take decision beneficial for its own security, has not been altered by the tests. The US has come round to ____(10)____ that India has some say in this matter.

Q-10)   Choose the correct answer from the given options to fill the blank with number (3)?







Paris – Nearly two years have passed since France's then-foreign minister, Laurent Fabius, struck his gavel and declared: "The Paris agreement for the climate is ___(1)___accepted." Next week, President Emmanuel Macron and the French government will host world leaders and non-state actors for the One Planet Summit. The purpose of this ___(2)___protecting is to celebrate climate gains made since 2015, and to boost political and economic support for meeting the goals and targets of the Paris agreement. The Paris climate agreement, a historic feat of diplomacy that ___(3)___adieus in a new era of international climate ___(4)___infringement, was facilitated by a number of political and social forces. One of the most ___(5)___influential of these was a group of more than 100 countries known as the "high ___(6)___satisfactioncoalition," which helped finalize the deal in the waning days of the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21). This ___(7)___conforming coalition of leaders – from the richest countries to the most ___(8)___conserve Pacific island states – broke a political ___(9)___deadlock that had impeded climate progress for years, if not decades. As we reflect on that success, one thing is abundantly clear: the need for ambitious coalitions has returned. Strong global leadership on climate change scored a diplomatic victory two years ago, and today, new economic and political alliances are needed to turn those ___(10)___assingments into action.

Q-11)   Choose the correct word which fits the blank (4)?







collaboration – the action of working with someone to produce something.


Paris – Nearly two years have passed since France's then-foreign minister, Laurent Fabius, struck his gavel and declared: "The Paris agreement for the climate is ___(1)___accepted." Next week, President Emmanuel Macron and the French government will host world leaders and non-state actors for the One Planet Summit. The purpose of this ___(2)___protecting is to celebrate climate gains made since 2015, and to boost political and economic support for meeting the goals and targets of the Paris agreement. The Paris climate agreement, a historic feat of diplomacy that ___(3)___adieus in a new era of international climate ___(4)___infringement, was facilitated by a number of political and social forces. One of the most ___(5)___influential of these was a group of more than 100 countries known as the "high ___(6)___satisfactioncoalition," which helped finalize the deal in the waning days of the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21). This ___(7)___conforming coalition of leaders – from the richest countries to the most ___(8)___conserve Pacific island states – broke a political ___(9)___deadlock that had impeded climate progress for years, if not decades. As we reflect on that success, one thing is abundantly clear: the need for ambitious coalitions has returned. Strong global leadership on climate change scored a diplomatic victory two years ago, and today, new economic and political alliances are needed to turn those ___(10)___assingments into action.

Q-12)   Choose the correct word which fits the blank (8)?







vulnerable – exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.


The following questions, you have several passages where some of the words have been left out. Read the passages carefully and choose the correct answer to each blanks with its particular number, out of the five alternatives.


____(1)____stringent anti-pollution laws, mass awareness levels in India about the need to ____(2)____ the environment are low. Which is ____(3)____ many people insist that mere laws won't do; what we ____(4)____ need are "environment conscious" citizens. It is in this context that the University's ____(5)____ to introduce environment studies as a compulsory paper at the undergraduate level ____(6)____ significance. There was some ____(7)____ initially about who would teach the paper because financial ____(8)____ make it impossible for colleges to ____(9)____ approval for new teaching posts. In fact, in August 1999, the University Grants Commission (UGC) imposed a ban on the creation of new teaching posts in colleges. ____(10)____ with this problem, authorities at the university have decided that serving teachers belonging to various disciplines will teach the paper.₹

Q-13)   Identify the exact answer for the blank (6)?







Faced with an ____(1)____ number and variety of products on the market, managers are finding it more difficult to ____(2)____ demand and plan production and orders ____(3)____ As a result ____(4)____ forecasts are increasing and , along with them , the costs of those errors Many managers today, ____(5)____ speed is the ____(6)____, have turned to one or another popular production scheduling system. But these tools tackle only part of the problem ____(7)____ really needed is a way to ____(8)____ forecasts and simultaneously redesign planning processes to ____(9)____ the impact of ____(10)____ forecasts.

Q-14)   Identify the exact answer for the blank (2)?






The following questions, you have several passages where some of the words have been left out. Read the passages carefully and choose the correct answer to each blanks with its particular number, out of the five alternatives.


The weaker sections of the rural population are mostly from the socially and economically backward and ____(1)____ sections of the village community. Because of their ____(2)____ and financial difficulty, they are not readily ____(3)____ to change their work habits and adopt modern technology. ____(4)____ sure about the traditional methods, they are ____(5)____ to take to ____(6)____ equipment and techniques which require some time to get accustomed for ____(7)____ work. After holding a number of group meetings with rural people ____(8)____ to different vocations and spread over the entire country, we can safely say that persons in the villages are not ____(9)____ for training to improve upon their traditional and hereditary ____(10)____ of working.

Q-15)   Choose the correct answer from the given options to fill the blank with number (8)?







The following questions, you have several passages where some of the words have been left out. Read the passages carefully and choose the correct answer to each blanks with its particular number, out of the five alternatives.


The social ____(1)____ of the Web lifestyle and work style are enormous. A lot of people ____(2)____ that computers and the Internet will depersonalize experience, creating a world that is less warm. But these are unfounded as we know that some people were ____(3)____ afraid that the telephone would reduce face-to-face contact and will ____(4)____ society to fall apart. But the ____(5)____ actually came true. Just as phone and e-mail have increased contact between people living in different communities and between people on the go, the PC and the Internet give us ____(6)____ way to communicate. They do not take any away. In reality, the ability to use the Internet to redefine ____(7)____ in our communities is strengthening personal and cultural ____(8)____. The Web lifestyle is about broadening ____(9)____, not narrowing them. Community building is going to be one of the biggest growth areas on the Web. It dramatically increases the number of communities you can bond to because of its ability to ____(10)____ groups of like-minded people independent of geography or time zones.

Q-16)   Choose the correct answer from the given options to fill the blank with number (8)?







The following questions, you have several passages where some of the words have been left out. Read the passages carefully and choose the correct answer to each blanks with its particular number, out of the five alternatives.


A friend in need is a friend indeed. A man who stands ____(1)____ his friend in ____(2)____ is a true friend, Selfless love is the base of true friendship. True friends share each other's joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure. They do not fall ____(3)____ in adversity. They have full confidence in each other. They never ____(4)____ each other. ____(5)____ makes friends, adversity tries them. A selfless friend is ____(6)____; a selfish friend is a curse. The first is an angel and the second is a devil. One makes your career while the other ____(7)____ it. True friendship means great self-sacrifice on the part of both. A true friend ____(8)____ pleasure and convenience. He goes cut of his way and faces difficulties in his way with joy and even with pride. Joy and sorrow, success and failure, good fortune and misfortune, are equally ____(9)____ by a pair of true friends. They ____(10)____ the burden of life equally for they feel that they sail in the same boat and that they have to sink and swim together.

Q-17)   Find the missing word for the blank (4)?







Dhritrashtra, the elder brother of the Pandu, was blind by birth. When he grew young, he was married to Gandhari. She loved him so ____(1)____ that she ____(2)____ up her own eyes with a cloth. A hundred sons were bom to Dhritrashtra and Gandhari. They were called Kauravas. Duryodhana was the ____(3)____ son of Dhritrashtra, who was quite obstinate by nature. When Kunti ____(4)____ to Hastinapur with her five sons, Duryodhana did not ____(5)____ it. He wanted that the Pandavas should live in the forest with their mother, Kunti. In fact he wanted to rule ____(6)____ Hastinapur without any interference in his affairs, although outwardly he made a ____(7)____ of happiness. His mother Gandhari consoled Kunti but her son Duryodhana did not like this at all. Pandavas were so good and ____(8)____ that every one who saw them ____(9)____ them. The people of Hastinapur began to give greater ____(10)____ to the Pandavas than to the Kauravas.

Q-18)   Identify the exact answer for the blank (4)?






Dhritrashtra, the elder brother of the Pandu, was blind by birth. When he grew young, he was married to Gandhari. She loved him so ____(1)____ that she ____(2)____ up her own eyes with a cloth. A hundred sons were bom to Dhritrashtra and Gandhari. They were called Kauravas. Duryodhana was the ____(3)____ son of Dhritrashtra, who was quite obstinate by nature. When Kunti ____(4)____ to Hastinapur with her five sons, Duryodhana did not ____(5)____ it. He wanted that the Pandavas should live in the forest with their mother, Kunti. In fact he wanted to rule ____(6)____ Hastinapur without any interference in his affairs, although outwardly he made a ____(7)____ of happiness. His mother Gandhari consoled Kunti but her son Duryodhana did not like this at all. Pandavas were so good and ____(8)____ that every one who saw them ____(9)____ them. The people of Hastinapur began to give greater ____(10)____ to the Pandavas than to the Kauravas.

Q-19)   Identify the exact answer for the blank (9)?






The following questions, you have several passages where some of the words have been left out. Read the passages carefully and choose the correct answer to each blanks with its particular number, out of the five alternatives.


Studies ____(1)____ the impact of computer models to support policy-making processes in organisations have ____(2)____ that client involvement in the model-building process is often a ____(3)____ for effective model-building. One important reason is that the process of model-building is frequently more important than the resulting model. Model-building itself is largely a ____(4)____ process about the problem. Most ____(5)____ about the characteristics of an illstructured problem are gained during the ____(6)____ process of designing a computer model, rather than after the model is finished. Another important reason is that most information in an organisation ____(7)____ in the mental models of organisation members. To support policymaking in organisation it is this knowledge which needs to be ____(8)____ and represented in the model. An important topic in client-oriented or ____(9)____ model building thus becomes the ____(10)____ of relevant knowledge contained in the mental models of participants.

Q-20)   Fill the blank (6) with the below given options?




