Practice Clocks - verbal reasoning Online Quiz (set-2) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   How many times do the hands of a clock coincide in a day?






The hands of a clock coincide 11 times in every 12 hours (Since between 11 and 1, the coincide only once, i.e. at 12 O' clock).

Q-2)   How many times are the hands of a clock at right angle in a day?






In 12 hours, they are at right angles 22 times

Therefore, In 24 hours, they are at right angles 44 times.

Q-3)   How many times in a day, the hands of a clock are straight?






In 12 hours, the hands coincide or are in opposite direction 22 times.

Therefore, In 24 hours, the hands coincide or are in opposite direction 44 times a day.

Q-4)   A clock gains 5 minutes in one hour. Therefore, the angle traversed by the minute hand in 1 hour is





Explanation: trong>Answer: (b)

Clearly, the minute hand traverses 65 minutes in 1 hour.

Therefore, Required angle = (360/60 × 65). = 390.

Q-5)   London time is five and a half hours behind Delhi time. What time is it in London if it is 0.2.35 in Delhi?






Clearly, time in London is 5 hrs 30 minutes behind 2.35 a.m. which is 9.05 p.m. or 21.05 hrs.

Q-6)   A clock goes slow from midnight by 5 minutes at the end of the first hour, by 10 minutes at the end of the second hour, by 15 minutes at the end of the third hour and so on. What will be the time by this clock after 6 hours?






Time lost I 1 hour = 5 min. Time lost in 6 hours = (5 × 6) min = 30 min.

After 6 hours, the correct time will be 6 a.m. and the clock will show 5.30 a.m.

Q-7)   The train for Chandigarh leaves every two and a half hour from New Delhi Railway Station. An announcement was made at the station that the train for Chandigarh had left 40 min ago and the next train will leave at 18 h. At what time was the announcement made?






Time of the last train leaving the station = (18 : 00 - 2 : 30) h = 15 : 30 h

But this happens 40 min before the announcement is made.

Therefore, Time of making announcement = (15 : 30 + 0 : 40) = 16 : 10 h.

Q-8)   From 1 O' clock afternoon upto 10 O' clock in the night, the hands of a clock will be at right angle ______ Times.






Time period from 1 O' clock afternoon to 10 O' clock night = (10 - 1)h = 9 h

As we know, hands are at right angle 2 times in an hour.

Hence, in 9 h they will be at right angle 9 × 2 = 18 times

Q-9)   There are two clocks, both set to show 10 pm on 21st January 2010. One clock gains 2 minutes in an hour and the other clock loses 5 minutes in an hour. Then by how many minutes do the two clocks differ at 4 pm on 22nd January 2010?






One clock show 10 pm.

On 21st January 2010 one clock gains = 2 minutes

Other clock loses = 5 minutes

Time period between 10 pm and 4 pm = 18 hours

Therefore, Required difference = (2 × 18 + 5 × 18) minutes = 126 minutes

Q-10)   What angle will be traced by the hands of a clock at 7 : 35?






Angle traced by hour hand per minute = $(1/2)^o$

∴ Angle traced by hour hand in 7 h 35 min = [(7 × 60) + 35] × $1°/2$

= (420 + 35) × 1°/2 = 455 × $1°/2$ = 227 $1°/2$

∴ angle traced by minute hand per minute = 6°

Angle traced by minute hand in 35 min = 35 × 6° = 210°

∴ required angle = 227 1°/2 - 201° = 17$1°/2$


Q-11)   In an accurate clock, in a period of 2 hours 20 minutes the minute hand will move over






Angle traced by the minute hand in 2 hrs 20 min,

i.e., 140 min = $(360/60 × 140)^o= 840°$

Q-12)   A clock is started at noon. By 10 minutes past 5, the hour hand has turned through






Angle traced by the hour hand in 12 hrs = 360°

Angle traced by the hour hand in 5 hrs 10 min, i.e., $31/6 hrs = (360/12 × 31/6)^o = 155°$ 

Q-13)   At 3:40, the hour hand and the minute hand of a clock from an angle of






Angle traced by hour hand in 12 hrs = 360°

Angle traced by it in 11/3 hrs = $(360/12 × 11/3)° = 110°$

Angle traced by minute hand in 60 min = 360°

Angle traced by it in 40 min = $(360/60 × 40)^o$ = 240°

∴ Required angle = $(240 - 110)^o$ = 130°

Q-14)   The reflex angle between the hands of a clock at 10.25 is






Angle traced by hour hand in$ 125/12 hrs = (360/12 × 125/12)^o = 312 1°/2$

Angle traced by minute hand in 25 min = $(360/60 × 25)^o = 150°$

∴ Reflex angle = $360° - (312 1/2 - 150)^o = 360° - 162 1°/2 = 197  1°/2$

Q-15)   Between 5 and 6, a lady looked at her watch and mistaking the hour hand for the minute hand, she thought that the time was 57 minutes earlier than the correct time. The correct time was






Since the time read by the lady was 57 minutes earlier than the correct time,

so the minute hand is (60 - 57) = 3 minute spaces behind the hour hand.

Now, at 5 O' clock, the minute hand is 25 minute spaces behind the hour hand.

To be 3 minute spaces behind, it must gain (25 - 3) = 22 minute spaces.

55 min spaces are gained in 60 min.

22 min spaces are gained in $(60/55 × 22) = 24 min$

Hence, the correct time was 24 minutes past 5.

Q-16)   A watch is 1 minute slow at 1 p.m. on Tuesday and 2 minutes fast at 1 p.m. on Thursday. When did it show the correct time?






Time from 1 p.m. on Tuesday to 1 p.m. on Thursday = 48 hours.

So, the watch gains (1 + 2) min or 3 min in 48 hrs.

Now, 3 min are gained in 48 hrs. So, 1 min is gained in (48/3) = 16 hrs.

Q-17)   The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at intervals of 65 min of the correct time. How much does a clock gain or lose in a day?






Required result = $(720/11 - x) (60 × 24 /x) $min Here, x = 65

Therefore, required result = $(720/11 - 65) (60 × 24 / 65)$ min

= $5/11 × 288/13$ min = 10 $10/143$ min gain

Q-18)   The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at intervals of 62 min of the correct time. How much does a clock gain or lose in a day?






Required result =$ (720/11 - x) (60 × 24 /x)$ min Here, x = 62

Therefore, required result = $(720/11 - 62) (60 × 24 /62)$ min

= $38/11 × 720/31 $min = 80 $80/341$ min gain (gain as sign is positive)

Q-19)   How much does a watch lose per day, if its hands coincide every 64 minutes?






55 min. spaces are covered in $(60/55 × 60)$ min. = 65 $5/11$ min.

Loss in 64 min. = $(65 5/11 - 64)$ = $16/11$ min.

loss in 24 hrs = $(16/11 × 1/64 × 24 × 60)$ min. = 32 $8/11$ min.

Q-20)   The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at intervals of 58 min of the correct time. How much does a clock gain or lose in a day?






Required result =$ (720/11 - x) (60 × 24 / X)$ min Here, x = 58

Therefore, required result = $(720/11 - 62) (60 × 24 /58)$ min

= $82/11 × 720/29 min = 185 25/319 min $gain (gain as sign is positive)