Practice Based on hiking and discounting - quantitative aptitude Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   A shopkeeper marks the price of an item keeping 20% profit. If he offers a discount of 12$1/2$% on the marked price, his gain percent will be






Let the cost price be Rs.100.

Marked price = Rs.120

SP = 87$1/2$% of 120

= $175/200 × 120$ = Rs.105

Gain per cent = 5%

Using Rule 8,

Here, r = 20%, $r_1 = 12{1}/2$%

Profit % = ${r × (100 - r_1)}/100 - r_1$

= ${20 × (100 - {25/2})}/100 - {25/2}$

= ${20 × 175}/200$ - 12.5

= 17.5 - 12.5 = 5%

Q-2)   A trader marks his goods at 20% above the cost price. If he allows a discount of 5% for cash down payment, his profit percent for such a transaction is






Let C.P. be Rs.100.

Marked price = Rs.120

S.P. = ${120 × 95}/100$ = Rs.114

Gain per cent = 14%

Using Rule 8,

Here, r = 20%, $r_1$ = 5%

Gain % = ${r × (100 - r_1)}/100 - r_1$

= ${20 × (100 - 5)}/100 - 5$

= 19 - 5 = 14%

Q-3)   A trader marked the selling price of an article at 10% above the cost price. At the time of selling, he allows certain discount and suffers a loss of 1%. He allowed the discount of :






Let C.P. be 100

Marked price = 110

x% of 110 = 11

x = ${11 × 100}/110$ = 10%

Using Rule 8,

Here, loss % = 1%, r = 10%, $r_1$ = x%

loss % = ${r × (100 - r_1)}/100 - r_1$

–1 = ${100 × (100 - x)}/100 - x$

(–ve sign for loss)

–100 = 1000 - 10x - 100x

+110x = 1100

x = 10% ⇒ r1 =10%

Q-4)   A trader marks his goods45% above the cost price and gives a discount of 20% on the marked price. The gain % on goods he makes is :






Let the C.P. of article be Rs.100

Marked price = Rs.145

S.P. = ${145 × 80}/100$ = Rs.116

Profit percent = 16%

Using Rule 8,

Here, r = 45%, $r_1$ = 20%

Gain % = ${r × (100 - r_1)}/100 - r_1$

= ${45 × (100 - 20)}/100 - 20$

= $3600/100$ - 20

= 36 - 20 = 16%

Q-5)   How much percent above the cost price should a shopkeeper mark his goods so as to earn a profit of 32% after allowing a discount of 12% on the marked price ?






Let the C.P. be Rs.100

and the marked price be Rs.x.

$x × 88/100$ = 132

$x = {132 × 100}/88$

= 150 i.e., more by 50%

Required percentage = 50%

Using Rule 8,
A tradesman marks his goods r% above his cost price. If he allows his customers a discount of $r_1$% on the marked price. Then is profit or loss per cent is
${r × (100 - r_1)}/100 - r_1$
(Positive sign signifies profit and negative sign signifies loss).

Here, Gain % = 32%, $r_1$ = 12%, r = ?

Gain % = ${r × (100 - r_1)}/100 - r_1$

32 = ${r × (100 - 12)}/100 - 12$

44 = ${r × 88}/100$

r = 50%

Q-6)   A seller marks his goods 30% above their cost price but allows 15% discount for cash payment. His percentage of profit when sold in cash is






Let the C.P. be Rs.100

Marked price = Rs.130

S.P. = 85% of Rs.130

= Rs.$({85 × 130}/100)$ = Rs.110.5

Gain percent = 10.5%

Using Rule 8,

Here, r = 30%, $r_1$ = 15%

Profit % = ${r × (100 - r_1)}/100 - r_1$

= ${30 × (100 - 15)}/100 - 15$

= ${30 × 85}/100$ - 15

= 25.5 - 15 = 10.5%

Q-7)   In a shop, shirts are usually sold at 40% above the cost price. During a sale, the shopkeeper offers a discount of 10% off the usual selling price. If he manages to sell 72 shirts for Rs.13,608, then his cost price per shirt, (in Rs.) is






Let the CP of each shirt be Rs.100,

then SP = Rs.140.

New SP = ${140 × 90}/100$ = Rs.126

When S.P. is Rs.126,

C.P. = Rs.100

When S.P. is Rs.$13608/72$,

then C.P. = $100/126 × 13608/72$ = Rs.150

Q-8)   A shopkeeper marks his goods at 30% above the cost price but allows a discount of 10% at the time of sale. His gain is






Let the CP of the article be 100.

According to the question,

The marked price = Rs.130

Discount = 10%

SP = 90% of 130

= ${130 × 90}/100$ = Rs.117

Gain = 117 - 100 = Rs.17

Gain per cent = 17%

since the CP = Rs.100

Using Rule 8,

Here, r = 30%, $r_1$ = 10%

gain % = ${r × (100 - r_1)}/100 - r_1$

= ${30 × (100 - 10)}/100 - 10$

= ${30 × 90}/100 - 10$ = 17%

Q-9)   To gain 8% after allowing a discount of 10%, by what per cent cost price should be hiked in the list price ?






Let the cost price be Rs.100

and marked price be x.

${x × 90}/100 = 108$

${9x}/10 = 108$

$x = {108 × 10}/9 = 120$

Required Percent = 20%

Using Rule 8,

Here, Gain % = 8%, $r_1$ = 10%, r = ?

Gain % = ${r × (100 - r_1)}/100 - r_1$

8 = ${r × (100 - 10)}/100 - 10$

8 = ${r × 90}/100 - 10$

8 = ${r × 9}/10$ = 20%

Q-10)   A dealer marks his goods at 25% above the cost price and allows a discount of 10% for cash payment. His profit % is :






Let Cost price of article = Rs.100

Marked price = Rs.125

S.P. = ${125 × 90}/100$ = Rs.112.5

Gain = 112.5 - 100 = 12.5

Gain percent = 12.5%

Using Rule 8,

Here, r = 25%, $r_1$ = 10%

Profit % = ${r × (100 - r_1)}/100 - r_1$

= ${25 × (100 - 10)}/100 - 10$

= ${25 × 90}/100 - 10$

= 22.5 - 10 = 12.5%