Practice Alphabet analogy - verbal reasoning Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Directions: Each of the following questions consists of a pair of letter-groups that have a certain relationship between them, followed by four other pairs of letter-groups given as alternatives in which you have to select anyone to get the correct letter group for the third one.

Q-1)   'MP' is related to 'NQ' in the same way as 'BE' is related to






Directions: Each of the following questions consists of a pair of letter-groups that have a certain relationship between them, followed by four other pairs of letter-groups given as alternatives in which you have to select anyone to get the correct letter group for the third one.

Q-2)   'WT' is related to 'QN' in the same way as 'FC' is related to






Directions: Each of the following questions consists of a pair of letter-groups that have a certain relationship between them, followed by four other pairs of letter-groups given as alternatives in which you have to select anyone to get the correct letter group for the third one.

Q-3)   'BF' is related to 'TM' in the same way as 'HL' is related to






Directions: Each of the following questions consists of a pair of letter-groups that have a certain relationship between them, followed by four other pairs of letter-groups given as alternatives in which you have to select anyone to get the correct letter group for the third one.

Q-4)   'NQ' is related to 'SV' in the same way as 'DG' is related to






Directions: In the following there is some common relationship between the two terms given left of (: :) and the same relation is also be there in the right of it. In the questions any one term either on right or left of (: :) will be missing. So now you have to find the missing from the below given alternatives to match the pair to obtain the relationship.

Q-5)   HNP : PDA : : DLP : ?






Directions: In the following there is some common relationship between the two terms given left of (: :) and the same relation is also be there in the right of it. In the questions any one term either on right or left of (: :) will be missing. So now you have to find the missing from the below given alternatives to match the pair to obtain the relationship.

Q-6)   AOE : ? : : GMA : NKM







Directions: In the following there is some common relationship between the two terms given left of (: :) and the same relation is also be there in the right of it. In the questions any one term either on right or left of (: :) will be missing. So now you have to find the missing from the below given alternatives to match the pair to obtain the relationship.

Q-7)   GHF : CDB : : EFD : ?






Directions: In the following there is some common relationship between the two terms given left of (: :) and the same relation is also be there in the right of it. In the questions any one term either on right or left of (: :) will be missing. So now you have to find the missing from the below given alternatives to match the pair to obtain the relationship.

Q-8)   BPM : GNJ : : ? : AKD






Directions: Each of these questions, consists of a pair of words bearing a certain relationship between them. From the alternatives, you have to pick that best illustrates a similar relationship.

Q-9)   LOM : NMK : : PKI : ?





Directions: Each of these questions, consists of a pair of words bearing a certain relationship between them. From the alternatives, you have to pick that best illustrates a similar relationship.

Q-10)   If IQS : LNV, then JRM : ?



