reading comprehension mcq pdf Model Questions & Answers, Practice Test for ibps rrb so officer sclae 2 3 single exam 2024


In this section there are six short passages. Each passage is followed by questions based on the passage. Read each passage and answer the questions that follow.


My father was passionate about two things: education and socialism. He was himself a born teacher. Indeed, he could never restrain himself form teaching, and as a small boy I was frequently embarrassed by his desire to instruct everybody – people in railway carriages, for instance – though I realized even then that it was an innocent desire, quite free from vanity. He was equally ready to receive instruction. Education, to men of his generation and temperament, was something it has largely ceased to be nowadays. It was the great golden gateway to the enchanted realms of the mind.

Question :1

The author wants us to know that his father

Answer: (a)

Question :2

To the generation of the writer's father, education was

Answer: (b)

Question :3

The author often felt embarrassed by the behaviour of his father because

Answer: (d)

Question :4

From the passage it is clear that the author

Answer: (c)


Read the following passages and answer the items that follow.


Those responsible for teaching young people have resorted to a variety of means to make their pupils learn. The earliest of these was the threat of punishment. This meant that the pupil who was slow, careless or inattentive risked either physical chastisement or the loss of some expected privilege. Learning was thus associated with fear. At a later period, pupils were encouraged to learn in the hope of some kind of reward. This often took the form of marks awarded for work done and sometimes of prizes given at the end of the year to the best scholar. Such a system appealed to the competitive spirit, but was just as depressing as the older system for the slow pupil. In the nineteenth century sprang up a new type of teacher, convinced that learning was worthwhile for its own sake and that the young pupil's principal stimulus should neither be anxiety to avoid a penalty nor ambition to win a reward, but sheer desire to learn. Interest, direct or indirect, became the keyword of instruction.

Question :5

The system which appealed to the competitive spirit in the pupils was largely based on:

Answer: (d)

ibps rrb so officer sclae 2 3 single exam 2024 IMPORTANT QUESTION AND ANSWERS

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