reading comprehension mcq Model Questions & Answers, Practice Test for ibps clerk prelims 2024


In this section, you have five short passages. After each passage, you will find same question based on the passage. First, read a passage and answer the questions based on it. You are required to select your answers based on the contents of the passage and opinion of the author only.


Most disputes about whether or not men are stronger than women are meaningless because the word 'strong' may mean many things. Most men can surpass most women in lifting heavy weights, in striking an object, in running, jumping or doing heavy physical labour. But most women live longer than most men, they have a better chance of resisting disease, they can beat men at operations requiring finger dexterity and the ability to work accurately under monotonous conditions. So it would be legitimate to argue that women are stronger than men. The truth is that each gender can surpass the other in certain kinds of activities. To say that one is stronger than the other is to indulge in futile arguments.

Question :6

The author says it would be legitimate to argue that women are stronger than men, because

Answer: (b)


In this section, you have six short passages. After each passage, you will find some questions based on the passage. First, read a passage and answer the questions based on it. You are required to select your answers based on the contents of the passage and opinion of the author only.


When Jonathan (the seagull) came, it was well after dark, and he floated in moonlight on the surface of the ocean. His wings were ragged bars of lead, but the weight of failure was even heavier on his back. He wished, feebly, that the weight would be just enough to drag him gently down to the bottom, and end it all. But soon he came back to normal. He pushed wearily away from the dark water and few towards the land, grateful for what he had learned about work-saving low-altitude flying.

Question :7

The lesson that he had learnt that day was about

Answer: (a)

Question :8

The seagull suffered because

Answer: (a)

Question :9

'His wings were ragged bars of lead' means that

Answer: (d)

Question :10

The word 'wearily' means

Answer: (d)

ibps clerk prelims 2024 IMPORTANT QUESTION AND ANSWERS
Reading Comprehension ibps clerk prelims 2024 question answer with explanation PDF

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