Practice Type 2 section 8 mcqs - verbal reasoning Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   S, the son-in-law of Q, is the brother-in-law of P who is the brother of R. How is P is related to Q?







Place of R is not fixed, it may be the wife of S or may be the brother/sister of P. But the Relation between P and Q can be derived from the above information

Q-2)   A is B’s brother, C is A’s mother, D is C’s father, F is A’s son. How is B related to F’s child?






A is brother of B. C is mother of A. D is father of C. F is son of A. A is grandfather of F’s child. Therefore, B is grand-father of F’s child


Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

  1. K is the brother of J.
  2. J is the mother of Y.
  3. Y is the sister of T.
  4. T is married to Q.
  5. S is the father of J.
  6. S has only one daughter.
  7. S is married to R.
  8. K is the brother of D.
  9. U is the father-in-law of D.

Q-3)   How is D related to Y?







Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

  1. A is the brother of B.
  2. B is the mother of C.
  3. C is the sister of E.
  4. E is married to F.
  5. G is the father of B.
  6. G has only one daughter.
  7. G is married to H.
  8. A is the brother of I.
  9. L is the father-in-law of I.

Q-4)   How is I related to C?






Q-5)   M and F are a married couple A and B are sisters. F is the sister of A. Who is B to M?






B is sister-in-law of M

Q-6)   Z is father of M. M is married toB. B is mother of T. B has only one daughter, T is married to O. R is son of O. How is B related to R ?







Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

  1. P is the brother of Q.
  2. Q is the mother of R.
  3. R is the sister of S.
  4. S is married to T.
  5. U is the father of Q.
  6. U has only one daughter.
  7. U is married to V.
  8. P is the brother of W.
  9. X is the father-in-law of W.

Q-7)   If X is the father of M, then how is W related to M?







Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

  1. K is the brother of J.
  2. J is the mother of Y.
  3. Y is the sister of T.
  4. T is married to Q.
  5. S is the father of J.
  6. S has only one daughter.
  7. S is married to R.
  8. K is the brother of D.
  9. U is the father-in-law of D.

Q-8)   If U is the father of C, then how is D related to C?







Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

  1. A is the brother of B.
  2. B is the mother of C.
  3. C is the sister of E.
  4. E is married to F.
  5. G is the father of B.
  6. G has only one daughter.
  7. G is married to H.
  8. A is the brother of I.
  9. L is the father-in-law of I.

Q-9)   If L is the father of M, then how is I related to M?







Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

  1. P is the brother of Q.
  2. Q is the mother of R.
  3. R is the sister of S.
  4. S is married to T.
  5. U is the father of Q.
  6. U has only one daughter.
  7. U is married to V.
  8. P is the brother of W.
  9. X is the father-in-law of W.

Q-10)   How is W related to R?





