Practice Quiz set 1 - indian geography mcq Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   The third position in the manufacture of cars in the world is occupied by





Q-2)   What is the most commonly used building material in deserts ?






Mud and clay are the most commonly used building material in deserts.

Q-3)   Maximum Coastal erosion is caused by






Maximum Coastal erosion is caused by waves.

Q-4)   Which one of the following countries of Africa finds a place in high human development category of UNDP?





Q-5)   The Equatorial Forests of the Amazon Basin in South America are known as






The Amazon Rainforest is located in the upper section of Brazil south of the Equator. It is known as Selva. It is a Tropical Rainforest because of the climate and its location near the equator.

Q-6)   The broken hills famous for zinc and lead are located in






Broken Hills are located in New South Wales, Australia. It is a mining city.

Q-7)   Which one of the following countries has the longest coastal line?






canada has the longest coastline among all the countries of the world.

Q-8)   Which one of the following countries is the leading producer of Uranium?






Canada is the largest producer of Uranium, accounting for about 22% of world output. Production of uranium in Canada is mainly from the Mc Arthur River mines in northern Saskatchewan province, which is the largest mine in the world.

Q-9)   Which one of the following cities is known as the Pittsburg of Japan?





Q-10)   Grozny is famous for the production of



