Practice Quiz Set 1 - Indian History Mcq Online Quiz (Set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   Who among the following kings was a contemporary of both Mahavira and Buddha ?





Q-2)   The most famous educational centre during the period of Mauryan age was






Q-3)   Who was the author of Arthashastra?






Q-4)   Which of the following languages was used in Ashoka’s Edicts?





Q-5)   Who among the following said that Chandragupta Maurya overran and subdued the whole of India with an army of six lakhs?






Q-6)   Who was the founder of Satavahana dynasty?






The founder of the Satavahana dynasty was Simuka. He conquered Maharashtra, Malwa and part of Madhya Pradesh. He was succeeded by his brother Kanha who further extended his kingdom to the west and the south.

Q-7)   Who built the city of Shrinagar in Kashmir?






Srinagar was founded more than 2000 years ago, around the 3rd century BC, by King Pravarasena. It soon became part of the Mauryan Empire, one of the largest empires in India at the time.

The ruling Mauryan emperor Ashoka built the city of Srinagari (Srinagar).

Q-8)   A Kushan Devakula was found in the vicinity of






The family temple (Devakula in Sanskrit) of the Kushan royal family was where patron deity or deities of the Kushanas should be worshipped. Two Devakulas so far discovered, one at Surkh Kotal in South Bactria (Afghanistan) and another one at Mat near Mathura in north India.

The Devakulas contained sculptures of Kushan rulers Kanishka and others.

Q-9)   The book Indica was written by






The Greek author Megasthenes wrote ‘Indica’. During Alexander’s invasion in the western part of India around 300 Christian eras, Megasthenes came to India.

Indica is the most authentic book to know about the Mauryan period and the regime of Chandragupta Maurya.

Q-10)   The Gujarra minor rock edict, on which the name of Ashoka is mentioned, is located in






Gujarra edict is located north of the village Gujarra at the foot of a low hill locally known as Siddham ki Todiya. It was discovered in 1953 CE. Gujarra is located near the town of Datia in Madhya Pradesh. The edict here refers Ashoka with his personal name.