Practice Questions set 1 - general science mcq Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   The waves used in telecommunication are





Q-2)   At absolute zero, Si acts as





Q-3)   Sun emits energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. The following help in the generation of solar energy. Arrange them in the right sequence beginning from the starting of the cycle :
  1. Hydrogen is converted to helium at very high temperatures and pressures.
  2. The energy finds its way to sun's surface.
  3. A vast quantity of energy is generated by nuclear fusion.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.





Q-4)   Space wave propagation is:
  1. tropospherical propagation
  2. sky wave propagation
  3. line of sight propagation
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?






Space wave propagation is tropospherical propagation and line of sight propagation.

Q-5)   ________ is used as a fuel in space ships.





Q-6)   The process of superimposing signal frequency (i.e., audio wave) on the carrier wave is known as





Q-7)   Consider the following statements :
  1. Short wave bands are used for transmission of radio waves to a large distance.
  2. Short waves are reflected by ionosphere.
  3. A pure semiconductor has negative temperature coefficient of resistance.
Which of the above statements are correct?






Waves having the range of wavelength from 30 km to 30 cm are known as short waves.

These waves are used for radio transmission and for general communication purpose to a longer distance from ionosphere.

Ionosphere is the outermost region of atmosphere extending from height of 80 km to 400 km approximately, above the surface of earth.

Q-8)   The active component in an IC are





Q-9)   Consider the following statements: At the present level of technology available in India, solar energy can be conveniently used to :
  1. Supply hot water to residential buildings.
  2. Supply water for minor irrigation projects.
  3. Provide street lighting.
  4. Electrify a cluster of villages and small towns.






Q-10)   Which of the following cannot be fabricated on an IC?



