Practice Puzzles test - verbal reasoning Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Read the information given below to answer these questions:

    (i) Aarti is older than Sanya.
    (ii) Muskan is elder than Aarti but younger than Kashish.
    (iii) Kashish is elder than Sanya.
    (iv) Sanya is younger than Muskan.
    (v) Gargi is the eldest.

[M.A.T. 2003]

Q-1)   A, B, C, D and E are five friends. A is shorter than B but taller than E. C is the tallest. D is shorter than B and taller than A. Who has two persons taller and two persons shorter than him/her?






We have : E > A > B, A < D < B.

Since C is the tallest,

so we have : E < A < D < B < C.

Clearly, D lies in the middle.

Read the information given below to answer these questions:

    (i) Aarti is older than Sanya.
    (ii) Muskan is elder than Aarti but younger than Kashish.
    (iii) Kashish is elder than Sanya.
    (iv) Sanya is younger than Muskan.
    (v) Gargi is the eldest.

[M.A.T. 2003]

Q-2)   D is taller than C and E. A is not as tall as E. C is taller than A. D is not as tall as B. Who among them is next to the tallest one?







Clearly, A is shorter than each one of C and E.

Thus, D is taller than each one of A, C, and E.

But, B is taller than D.

So, B is the tallest and D comes next.

Study the following information and answer the questions given below it:

A blacksmith has five iron articles A, B, C, D and E, each having a different weight.

    (i) A weights twice as much as B.
    (ii) B weights four and a half times as much as C.
    (iii) C weights half as much as D.
    (iv) D weights half as much as E.
    (v) E weights less than A but more than C.

[I.A.M. 2003]

Q-3)   Which of the following is the lightest in weight?







C is the lightest in weight.

Study the following information and answer the questions given below it:

A blacksmith has five iron articles A, B, C, D and E, each having a different weight.

    (i) A weights twice as much as B.
    (ii) B weights four and a half times as much as C.
    (iii) C weights half as much as D.
    (iv) D weights half as much as E.
    (v) E weights less than A but more than C.

[I.A.M. 2003]

Q-4)   Which of the following articles is the heaviest in weight?







Clearly, A is the heaviest in weight.

Read the following information and answer the questions given below it:
    (i) Seven students P, Q, R, S, T, U and V take a series of tests.
    (ii) No two students get similar marks.
    (iii) V alaways scores more than P.
    (iv) P always scores more than Q. (v) Each time either R scores the highest and T gets the least, or alternatively S scores the highest and U or Q scores the least.

Q-5)   There are four persons A, B, C and D. The total amount of money with A and B together is equal to the total amount of money with C and D together. But the total amount of money with B and D together is more than the amount of money with A and C together. The amount of money with A is more than that with B. Who has the least amount of money?






Let A, B, C and D denote the amounts with these individuals respectively.

Then, A + B = C + D, B + D > A + C, A > B.

Now, B + D > A + C and A > B = B + D > A + C > B + C (∫ A > B) = B + D > B + C = D > C.

Also, A + B = c + D, A > B and D > C = 2B < A + B = C + D < 2C = 2B < 2C = C > B. Now, A > B, C > B, D > C = A > B, D > C > B.

Thus, each one of A, D and C has more amount than B.

Hence, B has the least amount.

Read the following information carefully to answer the question that follow.
    I. A, B, C, D, E and F are the members of a family.
    II. These members are engineer, doctor, designer, lawyer, manager and professor but not in the same order.
    III. There are two married couples in the family.
    IV. C is the designer and is married to lawyer.
    V. B is either father or mother of F and E.
    VI. A is married to manager D.
    VII. F is a professor who is the grandson or granddaughter of doctor.
    VIII. B is a female while doctor is a male member.

[Hotel Mgmt 2011]

Q-6)   Which of the following is one of the pairs of couples in the family?






AD and BC are the two couples and AD is one of them which is given in the options.

Read the following information carefully to answer the questions that follow.

    I. P, Q, R, S, T AND U are six members of a group, of which three are males and three are females.
    II. There are two engineers, two lawyers, one teacher and one doctor in the group.
    III. Q, T, P and R are two married couples and no two persons in this group have the same profession.
    IV. T, a teacher with blue dress, married a male lawyer with brown dress
    V. Colour of the dresses of both the husbands and that of both the wives is the same.
    VI. Two persons have blue dress, two have brown and the remaining one each has black and green.
    VII. P is a male engineer whose sister S is also an engineer.
    VIII. Q is a doctor.

[N.M.A.T. 2006]

Q-7)   Which of the following is a pair of married ladies?






Q and T are the married ladies in the group.

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
    * P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are seven members of a family belonging to three generations.
    * There are two married couples, one each of first and second generations respectively.
    * They travel in three different cars X, Y and Z so that no car has more than three members and there is at least one female in each car.
    * R who is a granddaughter, does not travel with her grandfather and grandmother.
    * Q travels with his father T in car Y.
    * V travels with her granddaughter S in car X.
    * P travels with her daughter in car Z.

[I.B.P.S. 2002]

Q-8)   Which of the following is one of the married couples?







The married couples are TV and QP.

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
    * A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven members of a family.
    * Each of them has a different profession - Doctor, Teacher, Lawyer, Engineer, Architect, Chartered accountant (CA) and Banker and their incomes are different.
    * There are two married couples in the group.
    * C is the Doctor and earns more than the Engineer and the Lawyer.
    * E is married to the CA and she earns the leeast.
    * No lady is either lawyer or Engineer.
    * B, the Teacher, earns less than A, the Banker.
    * G is married to B and he earns more than D and A.
    * F is not the lawyer. The CA earns less than the Lawyer but more than the Banker.

[S.B.I.P.O. 2002]

Q-9)   Which of the following is a pair of married couples?







The two married couples are GB and DE.

Read the information given below to answer these questions:

    (i) Aarti is older than Sanya.
    (ii) Muskan is elder than Aarti but younger than Kashish.
    (iii) Kashish is elder than Sanya.
    (iv) Sanya is younger than Muskan.
    (v) Gargi is the eldest.

[M.A.T. 2003]

Q-10)   Garima is taller than Sarita but not taller than Reena. Reena and Tanya are of the same height. Garima is shorter than Anu. Amongst all the girls, who is/are the shortest?






Let the first letter of the name of each girl represent her height.

Then, Garima is taller than Sarita = G > S.

Garima is not taller than Reeta = R > G.

Reena and Tanya are of the same height = R = T.

Garima is shorter than Anu = A > G.

All the above indicate that Garima is either shorter than or equal in height to each of the girls except Sarita, while Sarita is shorter than Garima.

Thus, Sarita is the shortest.

Read the following information given below and then answer the question that follow.

There is a family of six persons P, Q, R, S, T and U. Their professions are engineer, doctor, teacher, salesman, manager and lawyer.

    I. There are two married couples in the family.
    II. The manager is the grandfather of U, who is an engineer.
    III. R, the salesman, is married to the lady teacher.
    IV. Q is the mother of U and T.
    V. Doctor, S is married to the manager.

[M.A.T. 2008]

Q-11)   What is the profession of P?






P is a manager.

Read the following information carefully to answer the question that follow.
    I. A, B, C, D, E and F are the members of a family.
    II. These members are engineer, doctor, designer, lawyer, manager and professor but not in the same order.
    III. There are two married couples in the family.
    IV. C is the designer and is married to lawyer.
    V. B is either father or mother of F and E.
    VI. A is married to manager D.
    VII. F is a professor who is the grandson or granddaughter of doctor.
    VIII. B is a female while doctor is a male member.

[Hotel Mgmt 2011]

Q-12)   What is the profession of A?






A is a doctor.

Read the following information carefully to answer the given questions:

A company wants to select a team of four call centre executives from its South Indian centre for transfer to North India where they are going to set up a new centre. The company is managed by professional managers and is very particular about human resources and personnel relations. There are seven team members of equal ability X, Y and Z (who are senior), and A, B, C and D (who are junior). The company requires that there should be two senior executives and two junior executives in the team. It is also necessary that all of the executives in a particular team are friendly with each other in order to have a real team spirit and avoid any personnel relations problem in the new centre being set up in the North. Following is the situation of relations among the seven executives.
    (i) Y and A are not friendly.
    (ii) Z and C are not friendly.
    (iii) A and B are not friendly.

[X.A.T. 2005; M.B.A. 2004]

Q-13)   Which of the following statements is/are true for X? I. X must be selected as one of the senior executives on the team. II. X must be selected, if C is selected. III. X cannot be selected, if both A and C are rejected.






Y and Z can also form a team with B and D. So, I is false.

If C is selected, then Z cannot be selected. So, the two senior executives in the team must be X and Y. So, II is true.

If both A and C are rejected, the two junior executives in the team must be B and D. And, B and D may have any two senior executives from amongst X, Y and Z. So, III is false.

Read the following information carefully and then answer the questions based on that.
    I. In a family of six persons, there are people from three generations. Each person has separate profession and also each one likes different colours. There are two couples in the family.
    II. Charan is a CA and his wife neither is a doctor nor likes green colour.
    III. Engineer likes red colour and his wife is a teacher.
    IV. Vanita is mother-in-law of Namita and she likes orange colour.
    V. Mohan is grandfather of Raman and Raman, Who is a principal, likes black colour.
    VI. Sarita is granddaughter of Vanita and she likes blue coloue. Sarita's mother likes white colour.

[C.L.A.T. 2014]

Q-14)   Who is an engineer?






Mohan is an engineer.

Read the following information carefully and then answer the questions based on that.
    I. In a family of six persons, there are people from three generations. Each person has separate profession and also each one likes different colours. There are two couples in the family.
    II. Charan is a CA and his wife neither is a doctor nor likes green colour.
    III. Engineer likes red colour and his wife is a teacher.
    IV. Vanita is mother-in-law of Namita and she likes orange colour.
    V. Mohan is grandfather of Raman and Raman, Who is a principal, likes black colour.
    VI. Sarita is granddaughter of Vanita and she likes blue coloue. Sarita's mother likes white colour.

[C.L.A.T. 2014]

Q-15)   What is the profession of Namita?






Namita's profession is not given.

Directions for the following questions:

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it:

The five boys P, Q, R, S and T, two are good, one is poor and two are average in studies. Two of them study in post - graduate classes and there in under - graduate classes. One comes from a rich family, two from middle - class families and two from poor families.

One of them is interested in music, two in acting and one is sports. Of those studying in under - graduate classes, two are average and one is poor in studies. Of the two boys interested in acting, one is a post - graduate student. The one interested in music comes from a middle - class family. Both the boys interested in acting are not industrious.

The two boys coming from middle - class families are average in studies and one of them is interested in acting. The boy interested in sports comes from a poor family, while the one interested in music is industrious. T is industrious, good in studies, comes from a poor family and is not interested in acting, music or sports.

R is poor in studies in spite of being industrious. P comes from a rich family and is not industrious but good in studies. Q is industrious and comes from a middle class family.

Q-16)   Name the boy interested in sports.






R is interested in sports.

Directions for the following questions:
Examine carefully the following statements and answer the three items that follow. Out of four friends A, B, C and D

    I. A and B play football and cricket.
    II. B and C play cricket and hockey.
    III. A and D play basketball and football.
    IV. C and D play hockey and basketball.
[U.P.S.C. (CSAT) 2013]

Q-17)   Which game do B, C and D play?






From the above table, it is clear that B, C and D play hockey.

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questiions :

A business school with six professors L, M, N, O, P and Q has decided to implement a new scheme of course mangement. Each professor has to coordinate one course and support another course. This semester, O's support course is finance, while three others have it in coordinate's role. P and Q have marketing as one of their subjects. Q coordinates operations, which is a support course for both N and P. Finance and IT are L's subjects. Both L and O have same subjects. Strategy is a support course for only one of the professors.

[JMET, 2005]

Q-18)   Which course is supported by M?






M's support course is strategy.

These questions are based on the following information:

Five men A, B, C, D and E read a newspaper. The one who reads first gives it to C. The one who reads last had taken from A, E was not the first or last to read. There were two readers between B and A.

[S.S.C. 1999]

Q-19)   B passed the newspaper to whom?







B passed the newspaper to C.

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

P, Q, R, S, T, V, W and Z are going to three destination Delhi, Chennai and Hyderabad in three different vehicles - Honda city, Swift D'Zire and Ford lkon. There are three females among them-one in each car. There are atleast two persons in each car. R is not travelling with Q and W. T, a male, is travelling with only Z and they are not going to chennai. P is travelling in Honda city and is going to Hyderabad. S is the sister of P and is travelling by Ford lkon. V and R are travelling together. W is not going to Chennai.

[I.B.P.S. (PO) 2011]

Q-20)   Members of which of the following cars are going to Chennai?







Members of Ford lkon car are going to Chennai.