Practice Practice questions - general science mcq Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   The part of the transistor which is heavily doped to produce large number of majority carriers is






The function of emitter is to supply the majority carriers. So, it is heavily doped.

Q-2)   Two thin convex lenses of focal lengths 4 cm and 8 cm are separated by a distance of 4 cm in air. The combination will have the focal length





Q-3)   Two wires have their lengths, diameters and resistivities all in the ratio of 1 : 2. If the resistance of the thinner wire is 10 ohm, the resistance of the thicker wire is





Q-4)   Which of the following is the most suitable material for making permanent magnet ?





Q-5)   Electricity consumption bill is based on the measurement of
  1. Watt
  2. Voltage
  3. Ohm
  4. Ampere
Select your answer of the following codes.





Q-6)   Which is not a device based on the heating effect of electricity?





Q-7)   In charging a battery of motor car, the following effect of electric current is used






Chemical effect of current is used in charging a car battery.

Q-8)   Consider the following statements regarding a motor car battery:
  1. The voltage is usually 12 V.
  2. Electrolyte used is hydrochloric acid.
  3. Electrodes are lead and copper.
  4. Capacity is expressed in ampere-hour.
Which of the above statements are correct?






In case of motor car battery or automotive batteries a nominal 12-volt potential difference is provided by connecting six galvanic cells in series. Capacity of these batteries is expressed in ampere-hour.

Electrolyte used is a solution of about 35% sulphuric acid and 65% water and electrodes used are plates of lead and separate plates of lead dioxide.

Q-9)   Consider the following statements: An ordinary light bulb has a rather short life because the:
  1. filament wire is not uniform.
  2. bulb cannot be evacuated completely.
  3. wires supporting the filament melt at high temperatures.
Which of the above statements are correct?






Q-10)   Some pairs of devices and associated energy changes are given below.
  1. Electric generator - Mechanical to electrical
  2. Electric motor - Electrical to mechanical
  3. Diesel engine - Light to electrical
  4. Solar cell - Chemical to mechanical
Which of the above pair/s is/are correctly matched?




