Practice Alpha numeric sequential problems - verbal reasoning Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams


Study the following Arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below:

S C M @ N £ T 2 Y 6 S α Q $ 7 β W # Z 3 U E % A 4.

[E.P.F.O.S.S.A. 2004]

Q-1)   If all the vowels are dropped from the above series, which of the following would be the eighth element to the right of the thirteenth element from the left end?







The new arrangement becomes:

8 C M @ N £ T 2 Y 6 S α Q $ 7 β W # Z 3 % 4

The 13th element from the left end is Q, and the 8th element to the right of Q is %.


Study the following Arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below:

S C M @ N £ T 2 Y 6 S α Q $ 7 β W # Z 3 U E % A 4.

[E.P.F.O.S.S.A. 2004]

Q-2)   If each symbol is first converted into a numeral and then all the numerals are converted into English letters, how many converted English letters will be there in the above arrangement of elements?







Clearly, required number of letters = number of symbols + number of numerals

= 7 + 6 = 13


Study the following Arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below:

M I E $ R B 3 A K 7 £ # 9 $ U D I N 4 6 % F H 2 @ 8 W

[M.B.A. 2002]

Q-3)   If the order of the first fifteen elements in the above One arrangement is reversed, then which of the following will be the eighth to the left of the twelfth letter / number / symbol from the right end?







The new arrangement is :

U $ 9 # £ 7 K A 3 B R $ E 1 M D I N 4 6 % F H 2 @ 8 W

The 12th element from the right end is D.

The 8th element to the left of D is A.


Study the following Arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below:

S C M @ N £ T 2 Y 6 S α Q $ 7 β W # Z 3 U E % A 4.

[E.P.F.O.S.S.A. 2004]

Q-4)   How many symbols are there in the above series each of which is immediately preceded and also immediately followed by a vowel?







8 C M @ N £ T 2 Y 6 S α Q $ 7 β W # Z 3 U E % A 4


Study the following Arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below:

M I E $ R B 3 A K 7 £ # 9 $ U D I N 4 6 % F H 2 @ 8 W

[M.B.A. 2002]

Q-5)   How many such vowels are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a symbol and immediately followed by a consonant?







M I E $ R B 3 A K 7 £ # 9 $ U D I N 4 6 % F H 2 @ 8 W


Study the following Arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below:

M I E $ R B 3 A K 7 £ # 9 $ U D I N 4 6 % F H 2 @ 8 W

[M.B.A. 2002]

Q-6)   Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group, based on the above arrangement. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?







In all other groups, the first element moves 2 steps forward to give the second element, which in turn moves 5 steps backwards to give the third element.


Study the following Arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below:

M I E $ R B 3 A K 7 £ # 9 $ U D I N 4 6 % F H 2 @ 8 W

[M.B.A. 2002]

Q-7)   What should come in place of question mark in the following series based on the above arrangement?

EBM  A£B  9D£  ?  H8%







Each element of each term moves 5 steps forward to give the corresponding element of the next term.


Answer these questions referring to the symbol - letter - number sequence given below:

2 P J @ 8 $ L B 1 V # Q 6 δ G W 9 K C D 3 © •£ 5 F R 7 A Y 4.

[S.B.I.P.O. 1998]

Q-8)   Four of the following five are similar in relation to their positions in the above sequence and hence form a group. Which one does not belong to that group?







In all other groups, the first element moves six steps forward to give the second element which in turn moves seven steps forward to give the third element.


Answer these questions referring to the symbol - letter - number sequence given below:

2 P J @ 8 $ L B 1 V # Q 6 δ G W 9 K C D 3 © •£ 5 F R 7 A Y 4.

[S.B.I.P.O. 1998]

Q-9)   Which of the following indicates the total number of symbols, letters and numbers respectively, which get eliminated from the sequence when every second element of the sequence from your left is dropped from the sequence?







The elements eliminated from the sequence are:

P @ $ B V Q δ W K D © £ F 7 Y

Number of symbols = 5;

Number of letters = 9;

Number of numbers = 7.


Study the following Arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below:

S C M @ N £ T 2 Y 6 S α Q $ 7 β W # Z 3 U E % A 4.

[E.P.F.O.S.S.A. 2004]

Q-10)   Four of the following five are alike in a certain way with respect to their position in the above arrangement. Which is the one that is different from the other four?







In all other groups, the first and second elements each move two steps forward to give the second and third elements respectively.