Practice Type 2 section 6 mcqs - verbal reasoning Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   M is son of P, Q is the granddaughter of O, who is the husband of P. How is M related to O ?






O is the husband of P. M is the son of O and P

Q-2)   A is D’s brother. D is B’s father. B and C are sisters. How is A related to C ?






So C and B are daughters of D. So, A is uncle of D’s daughter (B and) C

Q-3)   M is the son of P. Q is the granddaughter of O who is the husband of P. How is M related to O ?






Obviously, O is the husband of P, hence P is wife of O. Now M is son of P. So M’s parents are P (mother) and O (father). Hence M is O’s son

Q-4)   A is B’s brother, C is A’s mother, D is C’s father, B is D’s granddaughter. How is B related to F who is A’s son ?






Clearly B is sister of F’s father i.e., B is aunt of F

Q-5)   Rajan is the brother of Sachin and Manick is the father of Rajan. Jagat is the brother of Priya and Priya is the daughter of Sachin. Who is the uncle of Jagat ?






Jagat is the brother of Priya and Priya is the daughter of Sachin. So, Jagat is the son of Sachin. Now, Rajan is the brother of Sachin. Thus, Rajan is the uncle of Jagat.

Q-6)   P and Q are brothers. R and S are sisters. P’s son is S’s brother. How is Q related to R ?






The son of P is brother of R and S. Q is uncle of R and S

Q-7)   X is the husband of Y. W is the daughter of X. Z is the husband of W. N is the daughter of Z. What is the relationship of N to Y ?






W is the daughter of X and Y. W is the wife of Z. N is the daughter of W and Z. Therefore, N is the granddaughter of Y

Q-8)   X is the husband of Y. W is the daughter of X. Z is husband of W. N is the daughter of Z. What is the relationship of N to Y ?






X is the husband of Y. Therefore Y is the wife of X. W is the daughter of X and Y. Z is the husband of W. N is the daughter of Z and W. Thus, N is the granddaughter of Y

Q-9)   ‘A’ and ‘B’ are brothers. ‘C’ and ‘D’ are sisters. A’s son is D’s brother. How is B related to C?






Son of A is brother of D. C and D are daughters of A. B is brother of A. Therefore, B is uncle of C

  1. P is the brother of Q.
  2. C is the daughter of P and also sister of J.
  3. A is mother of J.
  4. S is father of A.
  5. D who is son of T is brother of A.
  6. B has only one son and is married to E, mother of P.

Q-10)   How is D related to J?







D is brother of A and A is mother of J. So D is uncle of J.