Practice Spotting errors with adjectives set 2 - general english mcq Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams


Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-1)   (a) Alms /(b) are given /(c) to the poors. /(d) No error






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-2)   (a) Many a /(b) boys are /(c) absent today /(d) no error.






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-3)   (a) Mumbai is /(b) further from /(c) Delhi than /(d) Patna. (e) No error







Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-4)   (a) Honest are /(b) rewarded /(c) sooner or later /(d) no error.






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-5)   (a) Now-a-days, /(b) the weather /(c) is getting cold and colder. /(d) No error






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-6)   (a) I will buy /(b) the book when /(c) the revise edition will come /(d) no error.






We need here an adjective to describe the edition, so revised in place of revise


Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-7)   (a) He is wiser /(b) enough to /(c) understand your trick /(d) no error.






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-8)   (a) A few word of /(b) gratitude are enough /(c) to express your /(d) feelings sincerely. /(e) No error.






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-9)   (a) You can trust /(b) this channel/(c) for the last news of this hour. (d) No error






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-10)   The militants (a)/entered the palace (b)/from the utmost gate (c)/with guns hidden in their clothes. (d)



