Practice Spotting errors with adjectives set 1 - general english mcq Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams


Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-1)   (a) I saw /(b) an anxious pale girl /(c) who was fidgetting near the ICU /(d) No error






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-2)   (a) My all /(b) friends will come /(c) tomorrow to meet me /(d) no error.






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-3)   Now-a-days (a)/the weather (b)/is getting more cold (c)/and colder. (d)






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-4)   I told her (a)/that it would be all (b)/the more better (c)/if she herself talked to the groom. (d)






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-5)   (a) He offered /(b) me a /(c) steamed cup of tea /(d) no error.






If there is MOMOS then STEAMED MOMOS is OK.

But Steamed Cup Of Tea is NOT CORRECT



Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-6)   (a) Lasers are /(b) indispensable tools /(c) for the delicate eyes surgery. /(d) No error






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-7)   Can we rely (a)/on this agency (b)/for the last news (c)/of the day. (d)






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-8)   (a) This book is /(b) undoubtedly preferable than /(c) that and its printing /(d) is also comparatively good. (e) No error







Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-9)   (a) In the garden/(b) were the more beautiful flowers/(c) and silver bells./(d) No error.






Read the following sentences and find where, there is any error in any part, then conclude the correct answer:

Q-10)   This shirt is (a)/comparatively better (b)/than that (c)/we saw in corner shop yesterday. (d)



