Practice Set 3 question answer - computer mcq Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   Which is a volatile memory :







Volatile memory is a type of storage whose contents are erased when the system's power is turned off or interrupted. An example of volatile memory is RAM (Random Access Memory).

When you are working on a document, it is kept in RAM. If the computer you're using is disconnected from power, your work is lost because it was not stored in permanent (non-volatile) memory. For this reason, we recommend saving your documents or other data to a non-volatile storage medium, such as a hard drive, SSD, or USB stick.

Volatile memory is a type of storage whose contents are erased when the system's power is turned off or interrupted. An example of volatile memory is RAM (Random Access Memory).

When you are working on a document, it is kept in RAM. If the computer you're using is disconnected from power, your work is lost because it was not stored in permanent (non-volatile) memory. For this reason, we recommend saving your documents or other data to a non-volatile storage medium, such as a hard drive, SSD, or USB stick.

Q-2)   A key that turns a function on or off is called a ______key:





Q-3)   Which is a valid program to access the internet:






An Internet browser was first introduced as Mosaic Netscape 0.9 on October 13, 1994, Netscape was popular during the early 1990s and in a browser war with Microsoft Internet Explorer. The use of Netscape declined in the late 1990s, which led to the open source Mozilla project and Netscape's acquisition on November 24, 1998, by AOL for $4.2 billion.

Q-4)   Word Length of a Personal Computer is ______:






The Word length of a Personal Computer is 8 bits.

The most common processors are/were 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit or 64-bit. These are the WORD lengths of the processor. Actually, half of a WORD is a BYTE, whatever the numerical length is. Ready for this, half of a BYTE is a NIBBLE. A byte may have more than or fewer than 8 bits. The term 'word' is used to describe the number of bits processed at a time by a program or operating system. So, in a 16-bit CPU, the word length is 16 bits. In a 32-bit CPU, the word length is 32 bits.

The hardware registers in a computer machine are word-sized. ... In this context, a word is a unit that a machine uses when working with memory. For example, on a 32-bit machine, the word is 32 bits long and on a 64 bit is 64 bits long. The word size determines the address space.

The Word length of a Personal Computer is 8 bits.

The most common processors are/were 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit or 64-bit. These are the WORD lengths of the processor. Actually, half of a WORD is a BYTE, whatever the numerical length is. Ready for this, half of a BYTE is a NIBBLE. A byte may have more than or fewer than 8 bits. The term 'word' is used to describe the number of bits processed at a time by a program or operating system. So, in a 16-bit CPU, the word length is 16 bits. In a 32-bit CPU, the word length is 32 bits.

The hardware registers in a computer machine are word-sized. ... In this context, a word is a unit that a machine uses when working with memory. For example, on a 32-bit machine, the word is 32 bits long and on a 64 bit is 64 bits long. The word size determines the address space.

Q-5)   ______is used for scanning the pictures and putting them in digitized form in the computer:






A scanner, image scanner, or optical scanner is a hardware input device that optically "reads" an image and converts it to a digital signal. For example, a scanner may be used to convert a printed picture, drawing, or document (hard copy) to a digital file that can be edited on a computer

Q-6)   The basic goal of a computer process is to convert data into







As a result, data processing refers to the act of converting raw data into usable information.

The data we enter is unprocessed, and the computer transforms it into valuable data.

Data manipulation by a computer is called data processing. It entails the translation of raw data into a machine-readable format, data flow via the CPU and memory to output devices, and output formatting or modification.

As a result, data processing refers to the act of converting raw data into usable information.

The data we enter is unprocessed, and the computer transforms it into valuable data.

Data manipulation by a computer is called data processing. It entails the translation of raw data into a machine-readable format, data flow via the CPU and memory to output devices, and output formatting or modification.

Q-7)   A __________ computer is a large and expensive computer capable of simultaneously processing data for hundreds or thousands of users







Mainframes are a type of computer that generally are known for their large size, amount of storage, processing power and high level of reliability. They are primarily used by large organizations for mission-critical applications requiring high volumes of data processing.

In general, there are a few characteristics of mainframes that are common among all mainframe vendors: Nearly all mainframes have the ability to run (or host) multiple operating systems. Mainframes can add or hot swap system capacity without disruption.

Mainframes are designed to handle very high volume input and output (I/O) and emphasize throughput computing. A single mainframe can replace dozens or even hundreds of smaller servers.

Q-8)   A ——— is an electronic device that process data, converting it into information.







A processor is an integrated electronic circuit that performs the calculations that run a computer. A processor performs arithmetical, logical, input/output (I/O) and other basic instructions that are passed from an operating system (OS). Most other processes are dependent on the operations of a processor.

Q-9)   Computers that are portable and convenient for users who travel are known as






Q-10)   The Second Generation computer was based on:







Transistors replaced vacuum tubes and ushered in the second generation of computers. The transistor was invented in 1947 but did not see widespread use in computers until the late 1950s. The transistor was far superior to the vacuum tube, allowing computers to become smaller, faster, cheaper, more energy-efficient and more reliable than their first-generation predecessors.

Though the transistor still generated a great deal of heat that subjected the computer to damage, it was a vast improvement over the vacuum tube. Second-generation computers still relied on punched cards for input and printouts for output.

Second-generation computers moved from cryptic binary machine language to symbolic, or assembly, languages, which allowed programmers to specify instructions in words. High-level programming languages were also being developed at this time, such as early versions of COBOL and FORTRAN.