Practice Sequential ordering test problems - verbal reasoning Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   Each of P, Q, T, A and B have different heights. T is taller than P and B but shorter than A and Q. P is not the shortest, who is the tallest?







According to the question, A/Q > T > P/B

But P is not the shortest.

Therefore, A/Q > T > P > B

So, tallest is either A or Q.

Q-2)   N is more intelligent than M. M is not as intelligent as Y. X is more intelligent than Y but not as good as N. Who is the most intelligent of all?






According to the question,

N > M, Y > M, N > X > Y

On arranging the above data, we get

N > X > Y > M

So, N is the most intelligent among them.

Answer the following questions based on the statements given below.
    I. There are 3 poles on each side of the road.
    II. These six poles are labelled A, B, C, D, E and F.
    III. The poles are different colours namely - Golden, Silver, Metallic, Black, Bronze and White.
    IV. The poles are of different heights.
    V. E, the tallest pole, is exactly opposite to the golden coloured pole.
    VI. The shortest pole is exactly opposite to the metallic coloured pole.
    VII. F, the black coloured pole, is located between A and D.
    VIII. C, the bronze coloured pole, is exactly opposite to A.
    IX. B, the metallic coloured pole, is exactly opposite to F.
    X. A, the white coloured pole, is taller than C but shorter than D and B.

[C.L.A.T. 2013]

Q-3)   Which is the second tallest pole?






It cannot be established that which of the two poles B/D is taller but it is sure that either of B or D is the second tallest.

Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions that follow.
    * Each of the six friends A, B, C, D, E and F scored different marks in an examination.
    * C scored more than only A and E.
    * D scored less than only B.
    * E did not score the least.
    * The one who scored the third highest marks scored 81 marks.
    * E scored 62 marks.

[I.B.P.S. (PO) 2012]

Q-4)   Which of the following could possibly by C's score?







Given, third highest marks = 81 and E's marks = 62

Hence, C's marks lie between 62 and 81.

Therefore, C's possible marks = 70

Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions that follow.
    * Each of the six friends A, B, C, D, E and F scored different marks in an examination.
    * C scored more than only A and E.
    * D scored less than only B.
    * E did not score the least.
    * The one who scored the third highest marks scored 81 marks.
    * E scored 62 marks.

[I.B.P.S. (PO) 2012]

Q-5)   The person who scored the maximum scored 13 marks more than F's marks. Which of the following can be D's score?







Since B scored the highest marks.

Therefore, B's marks = F's marks + 13 = 81 + 13

= 94

D scored second highest marks.

So, D scored marks between 81 and 94.

Hence, D's possible marks = 89

Q-6)   Anil is taller than Sunny and Sunny is shorter than Baby Anil is taller than Bose whose height is less than Sunny Baby is shorter than Anil. Who is the shortest among them?






According to the question,

Anil > Sunny

Baby > Sunny

Anil > Sunny > Bose

Anil > Baby

On arranging the above data, we get

Anil > Baby > Sunny > Bose

So, the shortest person is Bose.

Q-7)   Barun is taller than Sanjay. Bipul is taller than Barun. Krishna is also not as tall as Bipul but is taller than Barun. Who is the tallest?






The information given in the question may be arranged as follows

Bipul > Krishna > Barun > Sanjay

So, Bipul is the tallest.

Q-8)   Sati is elder than Renu, Geeta is younger than Renu while Priya is elder than Sati. Who is the eldest?






According to the question,

S > R, R > G, P > S

On arranging the above data, we get

P > S > R > G

S = Sati, R = Reenu, G = Geeta, P = Priya

So, Priya is the eldest.

Q-9)   Priti scored more than Rahul, Yamuna scored as much as Divya. Lokita scored less than Manju. Rahul scored more than Yamuna. Manju scored less than Divya. Who scored the lowest?






According to the question,

Priti > Rahul ; Yamuna = Divya

Lokita < Manju ; Rahul > Yamuna

Manjy > Divya

Therefore, Priti > Rahul > Yamuna = Divya > Manju > Lokita

So, it is clear from the above arrangement, Lokita scored lowest among them.

Q-10)   Sita is older than Kanika. Ila is older than Kanika but younger than Sita, Shempa is younger than both Manas and Kanika, Kanika is older than Manas. Who is the youngest?






According to the question,

Sita > Kanika

Sita > Ila > Kanika

Manas/Kanika > Shempa

Kanika > Manas

Therefore, Sita > Ila > Kanika > Manas > Shempa

So, Shempa is the youngest among them.