Practice Sequential order of events things - verbal reasoning Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

These questions are based on the following information:

Five men A, B, C, D and E read a newspaper. The one who reads first gives it to C. The one who reads last had taken from A, E was not the first or last to read. There were two readers between B and A.

[S.S.C. 1999]

Q-1)   Who read the newspaper last?







D read the newspaper last.

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Six letters A, B, C, D, E and F are to be organised in a span of seven days - from Sunday to Saturday, only one lecture on each day in accordance with the following.
    (i) A should not be organised on Thursday.
    (ii) C should be organised immediately after F.
    (iii) There should be a gap of two days between E and D.
    (iv) One day there will be no lecture (Friday is not that day), just bsfore that day D will be organised.
    (v) B should be organised on Tuesday and should not be followed by D.

[R.R.B. 2004]

Q-2)   Which of the following is the last lecture in the series?







A is the last lecture.

Read the following information carefully to answer these questions.

A teacher's training institute has to conduct a refresher course for teachers of seven different subjects. History, Geography, Political science, Hindi, Sanskrit, Music and English from 12th December to 19th, December.
    I. The course should start with Geography.
    II. 13th December being a Sunday, should be a holiday.
    III. Music should be on the day previous to english.
    IV. The course should end with History.
    V. Political science should be immediately after the holiday, Sanskrit follows political science.
    VI. There should be a gap of one day between sanskrit and English and between music ans hindi.

[N.I.F.T. (PG) 2014]

Q-3)   How many days gap is there between Music and Political science?






From the above table, it is clear that there is a one day gap between music and political science.

study the following information and answer the questions given below: Seven specialist doctors P, Q, R, S, T, U and V visit a polyclinic on the four days - Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday - in a week.
    At least one doctor but not more than two doctors visit the polyclinic on each of these days. Each of them is specialist of different fields - ENT, orthopaedics, paediatrics, Neurology, ophthalmology, Radiology and Oncology.
    * S visits on Friday with Radiologist, Paediatrician does not visit on Saturday nor with T and V.
    * Oncologist U visits alone on Tuesday.
    * Q visits on Wednesday and he is not Paedistrician.
    * R visits on Wednesday.
    * V is not Radiologist.
    * Paediatrician visits with ENT specialist.
    * Neurologist visits on Friday.
    * P is neither Orthopaedics nor Radiologist.

[Bank P.O. 2003]

Q-4)   Who among them visits the polyclinic along with P?







V visits the polyclinic along with P.


Answers should be based on the information given below:

At the crowded annual sale of Indian Handloom sarees, there were five ladies in the queue. Each of the lady customers bought something different. The first names of the customers were Asha, kavita, Usha, Sadhna and Lata. Their last names were Bhonsle, Sargam, Krishnamurthy, Mangeshkar and Uthoop, but not necessarily in the same order.

The available sarees were: Kanjeevaram silk saree, Paithani silk saree, Gadwal silk saree, Sambalpuri cotton saree and Tangali cotton saree.

    (i) Usha Krishnamurthy was served after the customer who requested the Tangali cotton saree, but before Mrs. Uthoop.
    (ii) The second customer was Sadhna.
    (iii) The Gadwal silk saree was purchased by the customer directly after Kavita.
    (iv) Lata was the woman who bought the sambalpuri cotton saree; she was served later than Asha.
    (v) The Kanjeevaram silk saree was requested by Mrs. Mangeshkar.
    (vi) Mrs. Sargam was the third in line.
    (vii) The fourth customer in the line bought the Paithani silk saree.
[M.B.A. 2005]

Q-5)   What place was Lata in the queue?






Lata was fifth in the queue.


Read the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Five friends Satish, Rajesh, Rehman, Rakesh and Vineet each presents one paper to their class on Physics, Zoology, Botany, English or Geology. One day a week, Monday through Friday.

    I. Vineet does not present english and does not given his presentation on tuesday.
    II. Rajesh makes the Geology presentation and does not do it on Monday or Friday.
    III. The physics presentation is made on Thursday.
    IV. Rehman makes his presentation, which is not on English, on wednesday.
    V. The Botany presentation is on Friday and not by Rakesh.
    VI. Satish makes his presentation on Monday.
[C.L.A.T. 2014]

Q-6)   What day is the English presentation made?






English presentation made on Monday.


Read the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Five friends Satish, Rajesh, Rehman, Rakesh and Vineet each presents one paper to their class on Physics, Zoology, Botany, English or Geology. One day a week, Monday through Friday.

    I. Vineet does not present english and does not given his presentation on tuesday.
    II. Rajesh makes the Geology presentation and does not do it on Monday or Friday.
    III. The physics presentation is made on Thursday.
    IV. Rehman makes his presentation, which is not on English, on wednesday.
    V. The Botany presentation is on Friday and not by Rakesh.
    VI. Satish makes his presentation on Monday.
[C.L.A.T. 2014]

Q-7)   What day does Rakesh make his presentation on?






Rakesh makes his presentation on Thursday.


Read the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Five friends Satish, Rajesh, Rehman, Rakesh and Vineet each presents one paper to their class on Physics, Zoology, Botany, English or Geology. One day a week, Monday through Friday.

    I. Vineet does not present english and does not given his presentation on tuesday.
    II. Rajesh makes the Geology presentation and does not do it on Monday or Friday.
    III. The physics presentation is made on Thursday.
    IV. Rehman makes his presentation, which is not on English, on wednesday.
    V. The Botany presentation is on Friday and not by Rakesh.
    VI. Satish makes his presentation on Monday.
[C.L.A.T. 2014]

Q-8)   What presentation does Vineet do?







Read the following information carefully to answer these questions.

A teacher's training institute has to conduct a refresher course for teachers of seven different subjects. History, Geography, Political science, Hindi, Sanskrit, Music and English from 12th December to 19th, December.
    I. The course should start with Geography.
    II. 13th December being a Sunday, should be a holiday.
    III. Music should be on the day previous to english.
    IV. The course should end with History.
    V. Political science should be immediately after the holiday, Sanskrit follows political science.
    VI. There should be a gap of one day between sanskrit and English and between music ans hindi.

[N.I.F.T. (PG) 2014]

Q-9)   Which subject is followed by Music?






From the above table, it is seen that English is followed by 'Music'.

Read the following information carefully to answer these questions.

A teacher's training institute has to conduct a refresher course for teachers of seven different subjects. History, Geography, Political science, Hindi, Sanskrit, Music and English from 12th December to 19th, December.
    I. The course should start with Geography.
    II. 13th December being a Sunday, should be a holiday.
    III. Music should be on the day previous to english.
    IV. The course should end with History.
    V. Political science should be immediately after the holiday, Sanskrit follows political science.
    VI. There should be a gap of one day between sanskrit and English and between music ans hindi.

[N.I.F.T. (PG) 2014]

Q-10)   Which subject will be on Tuesday?






As Sunday is on 13th December, therefore Tuesday will be on 15th December. Hence, Sanskrit subject will be on Tuesday.