Practice Section 7 question answer - general english mcq Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams


In each of the following sentence, there are two blank spaces. Below the sentences, there are five options with a pair of words each. Fill up the sentences with the pair of words that make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

Q-1)   The teacher ________ his students ________ being late to school.







In each of the following sentence, there are two blank spaces. Below the sentences, there are five options with a pair of words each. Fill up the sentences with the pair of words that make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

Q-2)   ________ matters most is your ________ and not your intelligence.







In each of the following sentence, there are two blank spaces. Below the sentences, there are five options with a pair of words each. Fill up the sentences with the pair of words that make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

Q-3)   Although he is a ________ person, he occasionally loses his ________.







In each of the following sentence, there are two blank spaces. Below the sentences, there are five options with a pair of words each. Fill up the sentences with the pair of words that make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

Q-4)   _________ members of a group often ______influence the outcome of a consensus forecast.







"Dominant, unduly" is the correct use.

Dominant: having power and influence over others.

Unduly: to an unwarranted degree


In each of the following sentence, there are two blank spaces. Below the sentences, there are five options with a pair of words each. Fill up the sentences with the pair of words that make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

Q-5)   Handicrafts constitute an important ________ of the decentralised sector of India’s economy and ________ employment to over six million artisans.







In each of the following sentence, there are two blank spaces. Below the sentences, there are five options with a pair of words each. Fill up the sentences with the pair of words that make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

Q-6)   Though the hospital is extremely rich, the conditions there are ________ ________.







In each of the following sentence, there are two blank spaces. Below the sentences, there are five options with a pair of words each. Fill up the sentences with the pair of words that make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

Q-7)   Being very ________ in nature, he always uses his ________ skills.







In each of the following sentence, there are two blank spaces. Below the sentences, there are five options with a pair of words each. Fill up the sentences with the pair of words that make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

Q-8)   He did not pay any ________ to my advice which I had given only in his ________.







In each of the following sentence, there are two blank spaces. Below the sentences, there are five options with a pair of words each. Fill up the sentences with the pair of words that make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

Q-9)   Although ________ is not a very desirable feeling, we need a certain amount of it to ________ well.







In each of the following sentence, there are two blank spaces. Below the sentences, there are five options with a pair of words each. Fill up the sentences with the pair of words that make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

Q-10)   The ________ with which he is able to wield the paint brush is really ________.




