Practice Quiz set 5 - indian geography mcq Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   A telegram was sent from Greenwich at 12:00 Noon. The time for transmission was 12 minutes. It reached a town at 6:00 p.m. The longitude of the town will be





Q-2)   Which one of the following is not an example of Metamorphic rock?





Q-3)   The Death Valley of the U.S.A. lies in the state of





Q-4)   Earthquakes are generally associated with :






Earthquake is a sudden and violent movement, or fracture, within the earth followed by the series of shocks resulting from this fracture. Earthquake is more likely to be of Tectonic origin and probably because of existence of a Fault.

Q-5)   The deposits of the ancient Tethys Sea were folded to form the :






Around 200 million years ago (also known as the Middle Permian Period), an extensive sea stretched along the latitudinal area presently occupied by the Himalayas. This sea was named the Tethys. Around this period, the super continent Pangaea began to gradually split into different land masses and move apart in different directions.

Q-6)   Atacama is located in





Q-7)   Which one of the following is smallest continent?





Q-8)   Which of the following is not igneous rock?






Conglomerate is a type of sedimentary rock which is coarse-grained and composed of rounded fragments embedded in a matrix of cementing material such as silica.

Q-9)   Peneplain is related to






A peneplain is a low relief plain formed by protracted erosion.

Q-10)   The Death Valley known as ‘Devil’s Golf Course’ is located in



