Practice Quiz set 4 - indian geography mcq Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   Which of the following refers to the white salt which covers the land in some areas during dry season?






Reh refers to a mixture of soluble sodium salts appearing as efflorescence on the ground in arid or semiarid regions in India. It covers the land in the form of a white layer. It is also known as Kallar.

Q-2)   Which one of the following is the Continent with the highest mean elevation in the world?





Q-3)   Which of the following is not a temperate grassland?





Q-4)   The Great Victorian Desert is located at





Q-5)   If the difference of longitudes for the two places is 90º, then time interval between these places will be





Q-6)   Consider the geographical details given in the following figure. The point marked by A in the above figure indicates the countries in





Q-7)   The Great Artesian Basin (GAB) is located in





Q-8)   Shortest day of the year in Northern hemisphere is on





Q-9)   Consider the following statement about Earthquake.
  1. Intensity of Earthquake is measured on Mercalli Scale.
  2. Earthquake’s magnitude is measurement of energy released.
  3. Magnitude of Earthquake depends directly upon amplitude of Earthquake waves.
  4. Every integer on Richter Scale shows a 100 times increase in energy released.
Which of the statements are true?





Q-10)   Mounds of sand formed by wind action are called






Cliff is a high and extremely steep rock face that approaches the vertical, either inland or along a coastline.

Cirque refers to a deep rounded hollow having steep sides, formed through erosion by snow and ice.

Dune is a hill or ridge of sand accumulated and sorted by wind action.