Practice Problems on successive discount - quantitative aptitude Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   A dealer buys a car listed at Rs.200000 at successive discounts of 5% and 10%. If he sells the car for 179550, then his profit is






Equivalent discount

= $10 + 5 - {10 × 5}/100 = 14.5%$

CP (for buyer)

= 85.5% of Rs.200000

= Rs.$({85.5 × 200000}/100)$ = Rs.171000

SP = Rs.179550

Gain = Rs.(179550 –171000) = Rs.8550

Gain % = $8550/171000 × 100 =5%$

Using Rule 3,

Here, M.P. = 200000,

S.P. is C.P. byer for $D_1 = 5%, D_2$ = 10%

S.P.= M.P.$({100 - D_1}/100)({100 - D_2}/100)$

= 200000$({100 - 5}/100)({100 - 10}/100)$

= 20 × 95 × 90

C.P. for buyer =171000

S.P. = 179550

Profit =S.P. - $\text"C.P."/\text"C.P" ×100%$

= $8550/171000$ × 100 = 5%

Q-2)   Successive discounts of 10% and 30% are equivalent to a single discount of :






Using Rule 5,

Equivalent discount

= 30 + 10 - ${30 × 10}/100$ = 37%

Q-3)   Two successive discounts of 20% and 20% is equivalent to a single discount of






Using Rule 5,

Equivalent single discount

= $(20 + 20 - {20 × 20}/100)$% = 36%

Q-4)   An article is listed at Rs.920. A customer pays Rs.742.90 for it after getting two successive discounts. If the rate of first discount is 15%, the rate of 2nd discount is






Total discount

= Rs.(920 - 742.90) = Rs.177.10

First discount = 15%

Discount = 15% of 920

= ${920 × 15}/100$ = Rs.138

Price after this discount

= 920 - 138 = Rs.782

Remaining discount

= 177.10 - 138 = Rs.39.10

Let the second discount be x %.

${782 × x}/100 = 39.10$

$x = {39.10 × 100}/782$ = 5%

Using Rule 3,

Here, M.P. = Rs.920, S.P. = Rs.742.90, $D_1 = 15%, D_2$ = ?

S.P. = M.P.$({100 - D_1}/100)({100 - D_2}/100)$

742.90 = 920 $({100 - 15}/100)({100 - D_2}/100)$

$7429000/{920 × 85} = 100 - D_2$

95 = 100 - $D_2 ⇒ D_2$ = 5%

Q-5)   The marked price of a watch was Rs.720/-. A man bought the same for Rs.550.80, after getting two successive discounts, the first at 10%. What was the second discount rate?






Marked price = Rs.720

Actual price = Rs.550.80

First discount = 10%

Let the second discount be x%

Then, we can write

720 (1 - 0.10) (1–0.01x) = 550.80

720 × 0.9 (1– 0.01x) = 550.8

648 (1 - 0.01x) = 550.8

1 - 0.01 x= ${550.8}/648$

0.01 x = $1 - {550.8}/648$

$x = {1 - 0.85}/{0.01}$

x = 0.15 × 100 ⇒ x= 15

Second discount = 15%

Q-6)   The marked price of an article is Rs.500. It is sold at successive discounts of 20% and 10%. The selling price of the article (in rupees) is :






Equivalent discount of successive discounts of 20% and 10%

= $(20 + 10 - {20 × 10}/100)$% = 28%

Selling Price = (100 - 28) % of Rs.500 = 72 % of 500

= Rs.${500 × 72}/100$ = Rs.360

Using Rule 3,
When successive Discounts $D_1, D_2, D_3$, so on, are given then
SP = MP$({100 - D_1}/100)({100 - D_2}/100)({100 - D_3}/100)$

M.P. = Rs.500, $D_1 = 20%, D_2$ = 10%

S.P.= M.P.$({100 - D_1}/100)({100 - D_2}/100)$

= $500({100 - 20}/100)({100 - 10}/100)$

= $500 × 80/100 × 90/100$ = Rs.360

Q-7)   The marked price of watch was Rs.820. A man bought the watch for Rs.570.72 after getting two successive discounts, of which the first was 20%. The second discount was






Total discount

=Rs.(820 - 570.72) = Rs.249.28

First discount = $820 × 20/100$ = Rs.164

Second discount

= Rs.(249.28 - 164) = Rs.85.28

Price of the article after first discount

= Rs.(820 - 164) = Rs.656

If the second discount be x% , then

x% of 656 = 85.28

$x = {85.28 × 100}/656 = 13%$

Using Rule 3,

Here, M.P. = Rs.820, S.P. = 570.72, $D_1 = 20%, D_2$ = ?

S.P. = M.P.$({100 - D_1}/100)({100 - D_2}/100)$

$570.72 = 820 ({100 - 20}/100)({100 - D_2}/100)$

$5707200/{820 × 80} = 100 - D_2$

$100 - D_2 = 87 ⇒ D_2$ = 13%

Q-8)   The marked price of a T.V. is Rs.16,000. After two successive discounts it is sold for Rs.11,400. If the first discount is 5%, then the rate of second discount is






After a discount of 5%

SP = ${95 × 16000}/100$ = Rs.15200

Let the second discount be x%.

x% of 15200 = (15200 - 11400)

${x × 15200}/100 = 3800$

$x = {3800 × 100}/15200 = 25$

Second discount = 25%

Using Rule 3,

Here, M.P. = 16000, S.P. = 11400, $D_1 = 5%, D_2$ = ?

S.P. = M.P.$({100 - D_1}/100)({100 - D_2}/100)$

11400 = 16000$({100 - 5}/100)({100 - D_2}/100)$

$114000/{16 × 95} = 100 - D_2$

$75 = 100 - D_2 ⇒ D_2$ = 25%

Q-9)   The list price of a clock is Rs.160. A customer buys it for Rs.122.40 after two successive discounts. If first discount is 10%, the second is






Marked price = Rs.160

After 10% discount

S.P = $90/100 × 160$ = Rs.144

Let other discount = x%

${(100 - x)}/100 × 144$ = Rs.122.40

100 - x = $12240/144$

100 - x = 85

x = 100 - 85 = 15%

Using Rule 3,

S.P. = M.P.$({100 - D_1}/100)({100 - D_2}/100)$

122.40 = 160$({100 - 10}/100)({100 - D_2}/100)$

${1224000}/160 = 90 × ({100 - D_2}/1)$

$1224000/{160 × 90} = 100 - D_2$

$85 = 100 - D_2 ⇒ D_2$ = 15%

Q-10)   Successive discounts of 10%, 20% and 30% is equivalent to a single discount of






Using Rule 5,

Single equivalent discount for successive discounts of 10% and 20%.

= $(10 + 20 - {20 × 100}/100)$% = 28%

Single equivalent discount for 28% and 30%.

= $(28 + 30 - {28 × 30}/100)$% = 49.6%