Practice Problems based on vbodmas - quantitative aptitude Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   The value of $5/{1{7/8} of 1{1/3}} × {2{1/10}}/{3{1/2}} of 1{1/4}$






Using Rule 1,

$5/{15/8 × 4/3} × {21/10}/{7/2} of {5/4}$

=$5 × 2/5 × 21/10 × 2/7 × 5/4$

=$3/2 = 1{1}/2$

Q-2)   When simplified, the expression $(100)^{1/2} × (0.001)^{1/3} - (0.0016)^{1/4} × 3^{0} + (5/4)^{- 1}$ is equal to:






Using Rule 1,

$(100)^{1/2} × (0.001)^{1/3} - (0.0016)^{1/4} × 3^{0} + (5/4)^{- 1}$

=10 × 0.1 - 0.2 × 1 + $4/5$

= 1 - 0.2 + 0.8 = 1.6

Q-3)   Find the value of * in the following $1{2/3} ÷ {2/7} × \text"*"/7 = 1{1/4} × 2/3 ÷ {1/6}$






Using Rule 1,

We have

${5/3} ÷ {2/7} × \text"*"/7 = {5/4} × 2/3 × 6$

${5/3} ÷ {2/7} × \text"*"/7 = {5 × 2 × 6}/{4 × 3}$

* = ${5 × 2 × 6 × 3 × 2 × 7}/{5 × 7 × 4 × 3} = 6$

Q-4)   Simplify $[3{1/4} ÷ (1{1/4} - 1/2(2{1/2} - \ov{1/4 - 1/6}))] ÷ (1/2 of 4{1/3})$






$[3{1/4} ÷ (1{1/4} - 1/2(2{1/2} - \ov{1/4 - 1/6}))] ÷ (1/2 of 4{1/3})$

Using Rule 1,

= $[{13/4} ÷ ({5/4} - 1/2({5/2} - {3 - 2}/12))] ÷ {13/6}$

= $[{13/4} ÷ ({5/4} - 1/2({5/2} - 1/12))] ÷ {13/6}$

= $[{13/4} ÷ ({5/4} - 1/2({30 - 1}/12))] ÷ {13/6}$

= $[{13/4} ÷ ({5/4} - 1/2 × 29/12)] ÷ {13/6}$

= $[{13/4} ÷ ({30 - 29}/24)] ÷ {13/6}$

= $[{13/4} ÷ {1/24}] ÷ {13/6}$

$[{13/4} × 24] ÷ {13/6}$

= $13 × 6 × 6/13 = 36$

Q-5)   1– [5 - {2 + (– 5 + 6 - 2) 2}] is equal to :






Using Rule 1,

? = 1 - [5 - {2 + (–1)2}]

= 1 - [5 - {2 - 2}]

= 1 - [5 - 0]

= 1 - 5 = - 4

Q-6)   For what value of *, statement $[(\text"*")/21 × (\text"*")/189]$ = 1 is correct ?






Let '*' be H

$[(H)/21 × (H)/189]$ = 1

$(H)^2$ = 21 × 189

H = $√{21 × 189}$ = 63

Q-7)   The value of 25 - 5 [2 + 3 (2 - 2 (5 - 3) + 5) - 10] ÷ 4 is :






Using Rule 1,


= 25 - 5 [2 + 3 {2 - 2(5 - 3) + 5} - 10] ÷ 4

= 25 - 5 [2 + 3 {2 - 2 × 2 + 5} - 10] ÷ 4

= 25 - 5 [2 + 9 - 10] ÷ 4

= 25 - 5 ÷ 4 = 25 - $5/4$

= ${100 - 5}/4 = 95/4 = 23.75$

Q-8)   If $50/\text"*" = \text"*"/{12{1/2}}$, then the value of * is :






Let the value of * be x.

$50/x = x/{12{1/2}}$

$50/x = {2x}/25$

$2x^2$ = 50 × 25

$x^2$ = 25 × 25 ⇒ x = 25

Q-9)   The value of ${0.1 × 0.1 × 0.1 + 0.2 × 0.2 × 0.2 + 0.3 × 0.3 × 0.3 - 3 × 0.1 × 0.2 × 0.3}/{0.1 × 0.1 + 0.2 × 0.2 + 0.3 × 0.3 - 0.1 × 0.2 - 0.2 × 0.3 - 0.3 × 0.1}$ is






Using (x) of Basic Formulae

Let 0.1 = a, 0.2 = b and 0.3 = c

Then, we have,

${a×a×a+b×b×b+c×c×c-3abc}/{a×a+b×b+c×c - ab - bc - ac}$

= ${a^3+b^3+c^3 - 3abc}/{a^2+b^2+c^2 - ab -bc - ac}$

= a + b + c

= 0.1 + 0.2 + 0.3 = 0.6

Q-10)   5 - [4 - {3 - (3 - 3 - 6)}] is equal to :






Using Rule 1,

An expression must be simplified by following defined order/sequence known as VBODMAS, which is given by:

1st step, V - Vineculum (line brackets)/Bar
  B - Brackets
  O - Of
  D - Division
  M - Multiplication
  A - Addition
Last step, S - Subtraction

There are four types of brackets given below.

  1. – → Line/Bar
  2. ( ) → Simple or Small Bracket/open brackets
  3. { } → Curly Brackets/Braces
  4. [ ] → Square Brackets/Closed brackets

These brackets must be solved in given order only.

? = 5 - [4 - {3 - (3– 3 - 6)}]

= 5 - [4 - { 3 - (– 6)}]

= 5 - [4 - {3 + 6}]

= 5 - [4 - 9]

= 5 + 5 = 10